यहाँ आपके लिए PENSION MASTER EXCEL PROGRAM PRAVESH KUMAR SHARMA के महत्वपूर्ण IMPORTANT PENSION ORDER COLLCETION PENSION MASTER अपलोड किये गये जिन्हें आप डाउनलोड करके उपयोग में ले सकते हैं। यूजर इस सूची में दिये गये हाइपरलिंक पर क्लिक करके सीधे पेंशन मास्टर प्रोग्राम के महत्वपूर्ण पेंशन ऑर्डर को व्यूह कर सकता है । यदि इसी आदेश को हिन्दी रूपान्तरण में देखना हो तो हिन्दी में दिये गये हाइपरलिंक को क्लिक करना होगा । यहां यह महत्वपूर्ण है कि हिन्दी रूपान्तरण केवल विषयवस्तु को समझने के दृष्टिकोण तक सीमित है, यह मूल आदेश का स्थानापन्न नहीं है। IMPORTANT PENSION ORDER COLLCETION PENSION MASTER

हमसे जरुर जुड़े –
Table of Contents
आपके बच्चो के लिए शानदार 15000 WORKSHEET का शानदार संकलन शानदार अवसर हैं जाने न दे अभी इसे अपना बनाए रंगीन चित्रांकन सहित
श्री प्रवेश कुमार शर्मा द्वारा विकसित एक्सल प्रोग्राम
क्र.सं. | आदेश विवरण | आदेश क्रमांक व आदेश डाउनलोड लिंक | आदेश..दिनांक |
71 | Reg. Pensioner id card | 623-657 k | 04-07-2016 |
69 | Provide mobile no. On pension kulak | f5(224)/dpd/rule/2006/pt/1488-1687 h | 30-06-2016 |
68 | Reg. Payment of lta /cpo/gpo | f5(283)/dpd/rule/2014/1416-70 h | 17-06-2016 |
66 | Sanction of life time arrear/long time arrear | f5(215+216)dpd/rule/2015/pt.i /1245-85 h | 17-05-2016 |
67 | Reg. Start family pension after pensioner death | f5(254)/dpd/rule/05/pt./1184-1244h | 17-05-2016 |
65 | Family pension for widows & divorcy daughters | f5(223)/dpd/rule/95/918-932 h | 18-02-2016 |
59 | Consolidation of prevailing acts | f5(284)/dpd/rule/2014/916-917 | 18-02-2016 |
64 | Departmental recovery in gratuity payment | f5(90)/dpd/rule/2010/750-900 h | 16-02-2016 |
63 | Video conferencing regarding pension payment | f5(283)/dpd/rule/2015/646-85 h | 10-02-2016 |
61 | Regarding pension revision pre-2006 | f5(278)/dpd/rule/pre-2006/446-645h | 09-02-2016 |
62 | Notification regarding digital life certificate | f10(5)/fd/rev/2010 | 04-02-2016 |
60 | Stop commutation deduction from pension after restoration date | f5(254)/dpd/rule/2015/375-425 h | 03-02-2016 |
29 | amendment of rule 50(4) in rajasthan civil service (pension) rules 1996 | F.13(7)fd/rules/2006 | 14-01-2016 |
58 | Circular related family pensioner data of birth | f5(254)/dpd/rule/2015/pt. 2/3827-80-h | 18-12-2015 |
30 | reappointment under rajasthan civil services (pension) rule 164 a | F.12(6)fd(rules)/2009 | 01-12-2015 |
55 | Urgent disposal of departmental enquiry cases | f(5)236/dpd/rule/ 2012/3462-3662 h | 24-11-2015 |
56 | Acceptance of digital life certificate by bank | f5(1)/dpd/rule/99/pt. 3/3267-3306-h | 06-11-2015 |
57 | Acceptance of digital life certificate by treasury | f5(1)/dpd/rule/99/pt. 3/3267-3306-h | 06-11-2015 |
54 | Digital life certificate through e-mitra portal | f22/dpd/pensioner jeevan pramaan | 29-10-2015 |
31 | issue of digital life certificate based on aadhaar biometric authentication through jeevan pramaan website launched by the government of india | F.12(2)fd/rules/2008 IMPORTANT PENSION ORDER COLLCETION PENSION MASTER | 19-10-2015 |
53 | Issue of digital life certificate based on aadhar biometric authentication through jeewan pramaan | f12(2)fd/rules/2008 | 19-10-2015 |
50 | As per court decesion return recovery amount to pensioner | f14(46)dpd/pc/2015-16/1753-k | 30-09-2015 |
40 | Interest on delay payment of pension benefits | no.f.5(155)dpv/rules/2015/2629-2829h | 18-09-2015 |
32 | amendment in rules 109, 110, 111 and 114 of rajasthan civil services (pension) rules, 1996 (second amendment) | F.15(2)fd/rules/1999 | 08-09-2015 |
439 | amendment in rules 109, 110, 111 and 114 of rajasthan civil services (pension) rules, 1996 (second amendment) | F.15(2)fd/rules/1999 | 08-sep-15 |
52 | Reg. Amendment in rules 109,110,111 and 114 of raj. Civil services (pension) rules, 1996 (second amedment) | f15(2)/fd/rules/1999 | 08-09-2015 |
51 | Letter related digital life certificate | f5(1)dpd/rules/99/part iii 2501-42 h | 02-09-2015 |
33 | amendment in rule 134, 136 of rajasthan civil services (pension) rules, 1996 | F.12(2)fd(rules)/2008 | 02-07-2015 |
49 | Amendment in pension rule 1996 para 67 family pension of widow and divorce daughter | f12(3)fin./rules/2010 | 23-06-2015 |
48 | Order related of gram sawak pension case | f5(180)dpd/rule/87/1036-1285 h | 02-06-2015 |
78 | Reg. Additional relief on death/disability of nps | f.12(8)fd(rules)/2008 | 29-05-2015 |
47 | Sanction of civil services family pension with defence pension (dual pension) | f5(275)dpd/rules/2015-16/627-780 h | 20-04-2015 |
45 | Amendment in the rajasthan state pensioners medical concession scheme 2014 | f1(6)fd/rules/2012 | 10-04-2015 |
44 | Replacement of rajasthan civil services pension (rules) 1996 rule no. 78 proof 6 | f5(283/dpd/rules/2014/ 358-560 h | 30-03-2015 |
34 | the existing form 6 under rule 78 of rcs(pension) rules, 1996 shall be substituted namely as annexure-a | F.12(6)fd/rules/2008 | 24-03-2015 |
35 | amendments in rule 64 and 65 of rajasthaan civil services (pension) rules, 1996 | F.12(4)fd/rules/2013 | 18-03-2015 |
46 | Amendment in rajasthan civil services (pension) rules 1996 | f12(4)fd/rules/2013 | 18-03-2015 |
43 | Amendment in the rajasthan civil services (medical attendance) rules 2013 | f6(1)fd/rules/2013 pt. | 18-03-2015 |
42 | Uniform method for fixation of pay on promotion to higher post after selection by dpc | f1(7)fd/(rules)/2008 | 23-02-2015 |
41 | Commutation related order | no.f5(111)dpd/rules/97/part ii 97-140 h | 06-02-2015 |
36 | revision of pre-01/09/2006 state pensioners/family pensioners etc. – grant of additional family pension to family pensioners of the age of 80 years and above | F.12(3)fd/rules/2008 IMPORTANT PENSION ORDER COLLCETION PENSION MASTER | 07-11-2014 |
37 | amendments in rule 62 of rajasthan civil services (pension) rules, 1996 | F.12(3)fd/rules/2010 part-i | 24-09-2014 |
38 | amendment in rule 151, 152, 153, 155, 156 and 158 of rajasthan civil services (pension) rules, 1996 | F.12(6)fd/rules/2009 | 22-09-2014 |
39 | amendments in rule 72 of rajasthan civil services (pension) rules, 1996 | F.12(3)fd/rules/2010 | 23-07-2014 |
40 | recovery of wrongful or excess payments made to government servants | F.9(14)fd/rules/2005/pt | 22-07-2014 |
41 | revision of pension of pre-01-9-2006 state pensioners/family pensioners etc | F.12(3)fd/rules/2008 | 26-05-2014 |
42 | further revision of 1/3rd commuted portion of pension in respect of government servants who had drawn lumpsum payment on absorption in central public sector undertakings/central autonomous bodies-stepping up of notional full pension wef 1.7.13 | F.15(4)fd/rules/1997 | 08-05-2014 |
43 | amendments in rule 151 and 164a of rajasthan civil services (pension) rules, 1996 | F.12(6)fd(rules)/2009 | 27-09-2013 |
44 | rajasthan civil services (pension) rules, 1996 – rule 43 – compassionate allowance | F.15(1)fd/rules/97 | 13-09-2013 |
45 | amendment in rule 77 and 156 of the rajasthan civil services (pension) rules 1996 | F.12(3)/fd/rules/2013 | 17-07-2013 |
47 | amendment in the rajasthan civil services (pension) rules, 1996 – order based on psf committee | F.12(3)fd/rules/2008 | 28-06-2013 |
46 | rajasthan civil services (commutation of pension) rules, 1996 – order based on psf committee | F.15(4)fd/rules/1997 | 28-06-2013 |
48 | further revision of pension of pre-2006 state pensioners / family pensioners etc. | F.12(2)fd/rules/2013 | 18-06-2013 |
77 | Reg. Additional relief on death/disability of nps | f.12(8)fd(rules)/2008 | 09-05-2013 |
AGI Complete Auto Excel Software For use in PC BY PRAVESH KUMAR SHARMA
आपके बच्चो के लिए शानदार 15000 WORKSHEET का शानदार संकलन शानदार अवसर हैं जाने न दे अभी इसे अपना बनाए रंगीन चित्रांकन सहित
MID DAY MEAL MDM ALL ORDERS AND CIRCULAR | मध्याह्न भोजन से सम्बंधित महत्वपूर्ण आदेश और दिशा निर्देश
क्र.सं. | आदेश विवरण और डाउनलोड लिंक | आदेश क्रमांक | आदेश..दिनांक |
1084 | amendment in rules governing grant and payment of old age and widow pension. | F7(1)fd/rules/2004 | 29-mar-05 |
1098 | amendment in rajasthan civil services (pension) rules 1996 | F15(2)fd/rules/97 | 20-sep-04 |
1111 | amendment in rajasthan civil services (pension) rules 1996 | F15(3)fd(rules)/99 | 08-jun-04 |
1112 | amendment in rajasthan civil services (pension) rules 1996 | F15(3)fd(rules)/97 pt.i | 07-jun-04 |
1124 | amendment in rajasthan civil services (pension) rules 1996 | F15(3)fd(rules)/97 | 20-apr-04 |
1163 | amendment in rajasthan civil services (pension) rules, 1996 | F.15(3)fd(rules)/97 pt.i | 31-jul-01 |
29 | Ammendment in rajasthan civil services (pension)rules, 1996 | no.f.15 (3)fd(rules)/97-pt.ii | 12-06-2001 |
19 | Revision/updation of family pension in respect at government servants who retired/died on or after1.9.1988 but before 1.9.1996 | no.f.15(2)fd(rules)/98 IMPORTANT PENSION ORDER COLLCETION PENSION MASTER | 12-06-2001 |
11 | Interest on delayed payments of pensionary benefits | no.f.15(3)fd(rules)/97 | 12-06-2001 |
12 | Interest on delayed payments of pensionary benefits | no.f.15(3)fd(rules)/97 | 12-06-2001 |
10 | Amendments in family pension rules | no.f.15(3)fd(rules)/97 | 08-08-2000 |
20 | IMPORTANT PENSION ORDER COLLCETION PENSION MASTER | no.f.15(3)fd(rules)-97 | 08-08-2000 |
16 | Grant of minimum pension to the pensioner of covenanting states other than service pensioners. | no.f.15(2)fd (rules)/2000 | 06-06-2000 |
9 | Grant of minimum pension | no.f.15(2)fd(rules)/2000 | 06-06-2000 |
8 | Revision/updation of family pension of pre-96 cases | no.f.15(2)fd(rules)/98 | 15-04-1999 |
30 | Revision of pension of pre-1988 pensioner & family pensioners etc. | no.f.15(5)fd(rules)/98 | 11-06-1998 |
14 | Revision of pension of pre-1988 pensioners/family pensioners etc | no.f.15(5)fd(rules)/98 | 11-06-1998 |
7 | Revision of pension/family pension of pre-88 cases | no.f.15(5)fd(rules)/98 | 11-06-1998 |
18 | Revision of pension of pre-1988 pensioners/family pensioners etc. | no.f1 (35)fd (gr.2)/87 | 11-06-1998 |
6 | Amendments in rajasthan civil services (pension) rules | no.f.15(3)fd(rules)/97 | 21-03-1998 |
27 | Amendments in rajasthan civil services (pension) rules, 1996. | no.f.15(3)fd(rules)/97 | 21-03-1998 |
5 | Suspension of dr during employment/ re-employment | no.f.7(45)fd r &ai/92 | 14-09-1995 |
26 | Suspendion of payment of dearness relief on proportionate pension/family pension during the period of re-employment/employment. | no.f7(45)fdr&ai/92 IMPORTANT PENSION ORDER COLLCETION PENSION MASTER | 14-09-1995 |
17 | Grant of ex-gratia payment to alive widows of deceased contributory provident fund beneficiaries. | no.f.1 (35) fd (gr.2)/87 | 02-07-1992 |
4 | Ex-gratia payment to alive widows of deceased cpf beneficiaries | no.f.1(35)fd(gr.2)/87 | 02-07-1992 |
16 | Grant of ex-gratia payment to alive widows of deceased c.p.f.retirees. | no.f.1 (35) fd (gr.2)/87 | 02-07-1991 |
3 | Grant of ex-gratia payment to alive widows of deceased cpf retitees | no.f.1(35)fd(gr.2)/87 | 02-07-1991 |
13 | Extension of relief granted to the pensioner from time to time to the remaining categories of pensioners | no.f.1(47)fd(gr.2)/88-ii | 02-12-1989 |
2 | Pre-64 family pension cases of the widows of the remaining categories | no.f.1(47)fd(gr.2)/88-ii | 02-12-1989 |
1 | Pre-64 family pension cases of the widows of the gevernment employees | no.f.1(50)fd(gr.2)/82 | 18-07-1988 |
15 | Extension of provisions of new family pension rules 1964 to the widows of the government employees who retired, or died before 1.3.1964 or opted for old family pension rules. | no.f1.(50)fd (gr.2)/82 IMPORTANT PENSION ORDER COLLCETION PENSION MASTER | 18-07-1988 |
129 | revision of pension of pre 01.01.2016 state pensioners / family pensioners who retired/died while drawing pay in ugc pay scale-prescribing of concordance table for revision of pension / family pension | F.12(6)fd/rules/2017 pt-i IMPORTANT PENSION ORDER COLLCETION PENSION MASTER | 05-nov-19 |
146 | revision of pension of pre-01.01.2016 state pensioners/family pensioner who retired/died while drawing pay in ugc pay scale. | F.12(6)fd/rules/2017 pt.i | 12-jun-19 |
170 | revision of pension/ family pension of pre-01.01.2016 pensioners/ family pensioners (extended revised concordance tables) | F,12(6)fd/rules/2017 pt i | 05-oct-18 |
194 | revision of pension of pre-01.01.2016 state pensioners / family pensioner etc | F.12(6)fd/rules/2017 pt.i | 18-jul-18 |
201 | revision of pension of pre-01.01.2016 state pensioners / family pensioner etc. (concordance tables) | F.12(6)fd/rules/2017-pt.-i | 06-jun-18 |
206 | revision of rate of mess allowance to the employees of police, jail and home guard departments | F.6(2)fd(rules)/2010 | 14-may-18 |
249 | revision of pension of pre-01.01.2016 state pensioners / family pensioners | F.12(6)fd(rules)/2017 | 09-dec-17 |
273 | revision of pension of pre-01.10.2017 state pensioners / family pensioners etc | F.12(6)fd(rules)/2017 | 30-oct-17 |
381 | rule 89 of rcs (pension) rule, 1996 | F.12(2)fd/rule/2012 | 29-jul-16 |
479 | revision of rate of mess allowance of the employees of police, jail and home guard departments | F.6(2)fd(rules)2010 | 06-apr-15 |
508 | revision of pre-01/09/2006 state pensioners/family pensioners etc. – grant of additional family pension to family pensioners of the age of 80 years and above | F.12(3)fd/rules/2008 | 07-nov-14 |
544 | revision of pension of pre-01-9-2006 state pensioners/family pensioners etc | F.12(3)fd/rules/2008 | 26-may-14 |
617 | revision of pension of pre-01-01-2006 state pensioners/ family pensioners etc. | F.12(3)fd(rules)/2008 | 06-apr-13 |
723 | revision of pre-01.09.2006 state pensioners/ family pensioners etc. Grant of additional family pension to family pensioners of the age of 80 years and above | F.12(3)fd(rules)/2008 | 29-sep-11 |
756 | revision of pension of pre-01.09.2006 state pensioners/ family pensioners etc. | F.12(3)fd(rules)/2008 | 15-apr-11 |
768 | revision of pension of pre-01.09.2006 state pensioners. | F.12(3)fd(rules)/2008 | 31-jan-11 |
832 | revision of pension of pre-01.09.2006 state pensioners. | F.12(3)fd(rules)/2008 | 22-apr-10 |
894 | revision of pre 1.9.2006 grant of additional quantum of state pensioners/family pensioners of the age of 80 years and above. | F12(3)fd(rules)/2008 | 30-jun-09 |
968 | revision of pension of pre-1996 state pensioners/family pensioners,who are in receipt of pension/family pension less then 50%/30% respectively of the minimum of the revised pay scale in force as on 01.09.1996. | F15(1)/fd(rules)/99 IMPORTANT PENSION ORDER COLLCETION PENSION MASTER | 22-may-08 |
1119 | revision of pension pre-1988 | F15(5)fd(rules)/98 | 21-may-04 |
1126 | revision of pensioners medical diary | F1(6)fd(rules)/2002 | 08-apr-04 |
1141 | revision of pension of pre-1988 | F15(5)fd(rules)/98 | 20-jan-04 |
1178 | revision of pension of pre-1.9.1996 state pensioners/family pensioners etc – fifth pay commission | IMPORTANT PENSION ORDER COLLCETION PENSION MASTER | 21-mar-98 |
195 | order – rule 55 of rajasthan civil services (pension) rules, 1996 | F.12(3)fd/rules/2010 | 27-jun-18 |
259 | authorization of banks for revision of pension of pre-01.10.2017 state pensioners / family pensioners etc | F.12(6)fd/rules/2017 | 05-dec-17 |
327 | circular – ex-gratia grant under rule 75 and 76 of rcs(pension) rules, 1996 | F.12(3)fd/rule/2014 | 07-jun-17 |
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