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💪🏻 Features of this Program💪🏻

⭐ मा.शि.बो. अजमेर द्वारा जारी फॉर्मेट अनुसार बोर्ड रिजल्ट 2021 की अंक गणना का कक्षा 10 व 12 की ऑटो कैलकुलेशन शीट तैयार कर आपकी सेवा में सादर प्रस्तुत कर रहा हु I

⭐ इस शीट के अंतर्गत डाटा एंट्री शीट पर कुछ डाटा इनपुट से जो बोर्ड द्वारा तय फॉर्मेट है , उसके अन्दर ऑटो कैलकुलेशन हो जाएगी तथा रिपोर्ट तैयार भी हो जाएगी I

⭐ आप आसानी से A4 साइज़ के पेपर पर प्रिंट ले सकते है I

⭐ इसके अंतर्गत एक subject वाइज रिपोर्ट देखने के लिए रिपोर्ट शीट attech की गयी है ताकि आप सब्जेक्टवाइज रिपोर्ट भी देख सकते है I

⭐ रिपोर्ट प्रिंट करते समय रिपोर्ट शीट पर उतने ही राॅ-कालम शौ होंगे, जितना आपने डाटा फीडिंग शीट पर विद्यार्थियों की एंट्री की है। मतलब राॅ और कालम के हाईड व अनहाइड करने का लफड़ा ही नहीं है। यह सब भी अपने आप ही होगा।

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💪🏻 Features of this Program💪🏻

⭐ 1. फीस रसीद (छात्र कोष,राजकोषीय,और विकास)
⭐ 2. Fees receipt रिकॉर्ड संधारण
⭐ 3. Fees data sheet मैं कक्षा बार रिकॉर्ड देख सकते हैं
⭐ 4. अध्ययनरत प्रमाण पत्र
⭐ 5. चरित्र प्रमाण पत्र
⭐ 6. आय प्रमाण पत्र
⭐ 7. नवीन प्रवेश फार्म
⭐ 8. नवीन प्रवेश का रिकॉर्ड संधारण
⭐ 9. नामांकन सूचना कक्षावार जाति वार
⭐ 10 आयु वार नामांकन जो प्रतिवर्ष डाइस में काम आता है
⭐ 11. जाति प्रमाण पत्र

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        <h2>MS WORD :  INSERT TAB</h2>      
    <h2 style="text-align: center;"><strong>LESSION : MS POWER POINT APPLYING THEMES</strong></h2><h3 style="text-align: center;"><strong>INTRODUCTION</strong></h3><h1 align="center"><b>The Home Tab in Word 2007 - Word 2019(365)</b></h1><blockquote><p align="left">This page is about the Home tab and its controls. I attempt to distinguish those controls that apply a formatting to text and those which change text (and the hybrid which is highlighting). <i><b>This page is just started.</b></i></p></blockquote><img src="" /><img src="" alt="" width="100%" height="100%" />

Microsoft Word एक best letter और document writing software है जिसका इस्तेमाल करोडो लोग letter और document type करने के लिए करते हैं| अगर आप अभी अभी MS word के सारे functions को सीखना start किये हैं तो आपको सबसे पहले Home tab के बारे में सीखना होगा क्योंकि इसमें ज्यादातर उपयोग होने वाले option add किये गए हैं जैसे Cut, Copy, Paste etc. आज के इस पोस्ट में हम MS Word के home tab के बारे में सीखेंगे|

MS Word Home Tab in Hindi

MS Word

MS Word में सारे functions को group-wise categorized कर दिया गया है जिससे लोगो को समझने में आसानी हो| MS Word के home tab को 5 group में बाँटा गया है और सभी groups का काम अलग अलग है| इस पोस्ट में हम सभी ग्रुप के सभी functions के बारे में एक एक करके सीखेंगे| इस पोस्ट में बताये गए सभी option को use करने के लिए आपको text select करना होगा| text select करने के बाद ही सभी option का इस्तेमाल कर सकते हैं|

Home tab को keyboard से active करने के लिए सबसे पहले Alt press करें और फिर H press करें|

सभी ग्रुप का नाम tab के निचले part में दिया गया है जैसा की आप image में देख सकते हैं| यह screenshot MS Word 2010 version से लिया गया है| इसमें कुल पाँच ग्रुप हैं जो की इस प्रकार हैं:

MS Word Home Tab
MS Word Home Tab


Clipboard आपके computer memory में एक special location होता है जो की cut और copy किया गया data को temporary store करता है| Temporary का मतलब होता है की यह data को तब तक store करके रखता है जब तक computer shut down (बंद) ना हो जाये या user अपने किसी भी प्रोफाइल से जब तक logout ना हो जाये|

%E0%A4%AB%E0%A5%89%E0%A4%B0%E0%A5%8D%E0%A4%AE%E0%A5%87%E0%A4%9F %E0%A4%AA%E0%A5%87%E0%A4%82%E0%A4%9F%E0%A4%B0 1

Clipboard group के अन्दर Cut, copy, Paste और Format painter option available होता है जिनका अलग अलग काम हैं| चलिए सभी के कार्य देखते हैं|


Cut option का इस्तेमाल text, image और video को cut करके दुसरे जगह paste करना होता है| ‘Cut’ word को cutting word से लिया गया है जिसका हिंदी meaning “काटना”होता है| किसी भी item या data (Text, image, link) को एक जगह से remove करके temporal storage area में store करने के process को Cut कहा जाता है| जब एक बार data clipboard में store हो जाता है तो उसके बाद आप उसे कहीं पर भी paste कर सकते हैं|  Cut का shortcut key Ctrl + x होता है|


‘Copy’ word का हिंदी meaning “प्रतिलिपि” होता है लेकिन इसको हिंदी में “नक़ल करना” भी कहा जाता है| किसी भी data का duplicate बनाने के process को copy कहा जाता है जैसे यदि आपके computer में कोई video है और आप उसे किसी दुसरे computer में भी रखना चाहते हैं तो उसको copy करना होगा| इसका shortcut key Ctrl + C होता है|


‘Paste’ का हिंदी meaning “चिपकाना” होता है| Paste एक operating system या program action होता है जो की किसी भी user को कोई भी data copy करके या cut करके किसी दुसरे location पर store करने का काम करता है| इसका shortcut key Ctrl + V होता है|

Format Painter

Format painter option का इस्तेमाल किसी भी text के formatting को copy करके दुसरे जगह पर apply करने के लिए किया जाता है| जैसे यदि आप same formatting किसी दुसरे MS word document या same document में apply करना चाहते हैं तो उसके लिए आप सबसे पहले formatting किया हुआ text को select कीजिये और उसके बाद Format painter option पर click कीजिये| अब आपका formatting copy हो चूका है इसके बाद जिस text पर formatting apply करना है उसको select कर दीजिये आपका formatting apply हो जायेगा|

अगर आप multiple place को formatting करना चाहते हैं तो उसके लिए आपको सबसे पहले formatting किया हुआ text select करना है और फिर Format painter पर double click करना है और उसके बाद जहाँ जहाँ formatting को apply करना है वहां पर text को select कर दीजिये आपका formatting apply हो जायेगा|

Format painter का shortcut key Ctrl + Shift + C होता है| shortcut key के द्वारा formatting select करने के लिए सबसे पहले formatting किया हुआ text को select करें और फिर shortcut key प्रेस करें| अब formatting copy हो चूका है| Formatting को apply करने के लिए सबसे पहले उस text को select करें जहाँ पर formatting apply करना है और फिर Ctrl + Shift + V press करें, आपका formatting उस text पर apply हो जायेगा|

Home Tab in MS-Word


Font group में font से related सारे option को रखा गया है जिससे आप font पर ढेर सारे option apply कर सकते हैं| इसके अन्दर ढेर सारे option available हैं चलिए एक एक करके सभी option के बारे में जानते हैं|


Font: इसमें आपको font का style change करने के लिए option दिया हुआ होता है जैसे की यदि आप font का style change करना चाहते हैं तो इस option का इस्तेमाल कर सकते हैं| For example: यदि आप किसी दुसरे language में text लिखना चाहते हैं तो आप यहाँ से font style change कर सकते हैं| इसका shortcut key Ctrl + Shift + F होता है|

Font Size: Font size के द्वारा font को छोटा बड़ा कर सकते हैं| इसका shortcut key Ctrl + Shift + P होता है|

Grow Font: Grow font का इस्तेमाल font के size बढ़ाने के लिए किया जाता है| इसका shortcut key Ctrl + > होता है|

Shrink Font: Shrink font का इस्तेमाल font size को छोटा करने के लिए किया जाता है| इसका shortcut key Ctrl + < होता है|

Change Case: इस option के द्वारा text के case को change किया जाता है जैसे की upper case, lower case etc. इस option के अन्दर ढेर सारे case मौजूद होते हैं| चलिए एक एक करके सभी के बारे में जानते हैं|

  • Sentence Case: इस option का इस्तेमाल एक sentence के first character को capital करने के लिए किया जाता है|
  • Lower Case: इस option का इस्तेमाल सभी text को small letter में change करने के लिए किया जाता है|
  • Upper Case: इस option का इस्तेमाल सभी text को capital letter में change करने के लिए किया जाता है|
  • Capitalized Each Word: इस option का इस्तेमाल सभी word के शुरू character को capital letter में change करने के लिए होता है|
  • Toggle Case: Toggle case का इस्तेमाल सभी sentence के शुरू letter को capital letter में change करने के लिए किया जाता है|

Clear Formatting: इस option का इस्तेमाल selected text में दिए गए formatting को clear करने के लिए किया जाता है|

Bold: इस option का इस्तेमाल selected text को मोटा (Bold) करने के लिए किया जाता है| इसका shortcut key Ctrl + B होता है|


Italic: इस option का इस्तेमाल Selected text को italic (तिरछा) करने के लिए किया जाता है| इसका shortcut key Ctrl + I होता है|

Underline: इस option का इस्तेमाल selected text के निचे line देने के लिए किया जाता है जिसे underline कहा जाता है| इसका shortcut key Ctrl + U होता है|

Strikethrough: इस option का इस्तेमाल selected text को बीच से काटने के लिए किया जाता है| Example: ABC

Subscript: इस option का इस्तेमाल text के baseline के निचे small letters create करने के लिए होता है| इसका shortcut key Ctrl + = होता है|

Superscript: इस option का इस्तेमाल text के line के ऊपर small letters create करने के लिए होता है जैसे square, cube लिखने के लिए होता है| इसका shortcut key Ctrl + shift + + होता है|

Text effects: इस option का इस्तेमाल selected text पर visual effects apply करने के लिए किया जाता है| जैसे की Shadow (परछाईं), glow etc.

Text Highlight Colors: इस option का इस्तेमाल selected text को highlight करने के लिए किया जाता है| जैसे हम highlighter से copy या किताब में text का background color create करते हैं ठीक उसी प्रकार इसमें भी text का background color create करने के लिए इसका इस्तेमाल होता है|

Font color: इस option का इस्तेमाल selected text का font color change करने के लिए किया जाता है|


एक पैराग्राफ में एक या एक से ज्यादा sentence मौजूद होते हैं| Paragraph हमेशा नया line से शुरू होता है| Paragraph text writing का एक section होता है| यहाँ पर MS Word के home tab में दिए गए paragraph ग्रुप में ढेर सारे option हैं जिनका इस्तेमाल अलग अलग कार्यों के लिए किया जाता है|

Paragraph Dialog Launcher Word Help

Bullets: Bullets का इस्तेमाल text को bulleted list से start करने के लिए होता है| जैसे यदि आप किसी भी चीज के points को लिख रहे हैं तो आप इस option का इस्तेमाल कर सकते हैं| अलग प्रकार के bullets देने के लिए side में दिए गए arrow button का इस्तेमाल करें|

Numbering: Numbering का इस्तेमाल text के पहले number देने के लिए किया जाता है| यदि आप किसी भी topics के बारे में point by point लिख रहे हैं तो इस option का इस्तेमाल करके numbering दे सकते हैं|अलग प्रकार के numbering देने के लिए side में दिए गए arrow button का इस्तेमाल करें|

Multilevel list: इस option का इस्तेमाल multilevel list देने के लिए किया जाता है जैसे यदि आप किसी topics के बारे में लिख रहे हैं और यदि उस topics के अन्दर भी topics available है और फिर अन्दर वाले topics के अन्दर भी दूसरा topics है तो multilevel list का इस्तेमाल करके उस topics को अच्छे से सजा सकते हैं|

Decrease indent: इस option का इस्तेमाल किसी particular paragraph में दिए गए margin को कम करने के लिए किया जाता है|

Increase indent: इस option का इस्तेमाल किसी particular paragraph में margin देने के लिए किया जाता है|

Sort: इस option का इस्तेमाल Text, numbers, और date को sort करने के लिए किया जाता है यानि की इस option का इस्तेमाल numeric value और alphabetic letter को Ascending और Descending order में short करने के लिए किया जाता है|

Align Text Left: इस option का इस्तेमाल text को left side में ले जाने के लिए किया जाता है|इसका shortcut key Ctrl + L होता है|

Center: इस option का इस्तेमाल text को center में करने के लिए किया जाता है| इसका shortcut key Ctrl + E होता है|

Align Text Right: इस option का इस्तेमाल text को right side में ले जाने के लिए किया जाता है| इसका shortcut key Ctrl + R होता है|

Justify: इस option का इस्तेमाल text को left और right दोनों side से equal करने के लिए किया जाता है| इसमें extra space automatically जरुरत के अनुसार add हो जाता है| यह page को clean look देता है| इस पोस्ट में justify का इस्तेमाल नहीं किया गया है| इसका shortcut key Ctrl + J होता है|

Line and Paragraph Spacing: इस option का इस्तेमाल line और paragraph के बीच spacing देने के लिए किया जाता है| इसमें आप अपने अनुसार line और paragraph के बीच customized spacing दे सकते हैं|

Shading: इस option का इस्तेमाल selected text और paragraph का background देने के लिए किया जाता है|

Border: इस option का इस्तेमाल selected text का border देने के लिए किया जाता है|


इस ग्रुप के अन्दर कुछ बने बनाए हुए designing available होते हैं जिसका इस्तेमाल आप आसानी से अपने document में कर सकते हैं| इसमें customized styling भी बना सकते हैं|


इस ग्रुप के अन्दर editing से related कुछ option रहते हैं जैसे कुछ find करने का, एक page से दुसरे page पर जाने का, replace करने का इत्यादि|

Find: इस option का इस्तेमाल किसी भी text और other contents को find करने के लिए किया जाता है| इसका shortcut key Ctrl + F होता है|

Advance Find: इस option का इस्तेमाल करके आप अपने document में कुछ extra option के द्वारा find कर सकते हैं या फिर कह सकते हैं की इस option के द्वारा हम find करने के लिए option फ़िल्टर करते हैं जैसे यदि हमें उसी word को exact find करना है तो उसके लिए match case का इस्तेमाल कर सकते हैं|

Goto: इस option का इस्तेमाल एक page से directly किसी दुसरे page पर जाने के लिए किया जाता है| इसका shortcut key Ctrl + G होता है| इस option के द्वारा आप किसी particular page, section, line, comment पर जा सकते हैं|

Replace: इस option का इस्तेमाल किसी particular word को या sentence को किसी दुसरे word या sentence के द्वारा replace करने के लिए किया जाता है| इसका shortcut key Ctrl + H होता है|

Select: Select option का इस्तेमाल text को या किसी object को select करने के लिए किया जाता है| इसके अन्दर तीन option available होते हैं| Select All जिसका इस्तेमाल document में पूरे text और object को select करने के लिए किया जाता है| Select object जिसका इस्तेमाल object को select करने के लिए किया जाता है जैसे की shape. और Select text with similar formatting: इस option का इस्तेमाल selected text के formatting वाले सभी text को select करने के लिए किया जाता है|

Selection pane: इसमें आप जितने भी shapes draw करेंगे उनका list show होगा|

Video Tutorial

Conclusion and Final Words

MS Word Home tab सबसे basic tab है जिसके बारे में लगभग सभी computer user को जानना जरुरी है| इस tab में इस्तेमाल किये गए option का इस्तेमाल लगभग अधिकांश software में available होता है और उसका same shortcut key use होता है जैसे की Bold, Italic, Underline etc.



The Home Tab – the basic workspace in a document:


The Home Tab is about the basics of how text looks when it is printed or displayed online. It gives access to both direct and Style-based formatting. Because of the importance of Styles to using Word effectively, it devotes a great deal of space to Styles.

I suspect that many Word users seldom stray from the Home Tab. They are missing many opportunities to make Word work for them, but that is not the topic of this page. On this page I intend to examine the control groups on the Home Tab and what each of the controls does. This leads into the Font and Paragraph dialogs and the Clipboard functions of Word.

The Home Tab has its controls arranged in five (six) groups from left to right:


Clipboard — Font — Paragraph — Styles — Editing — Voice (2019)

Group names are at the bottom of the Ribbon and groups are separated by a thin line. Most but not all groups have a dialog launcher button in the bottom right corner of the group. The Home Tab shown above is a screenshot from Word 2010. The Home tab has varied slightly through Word versions. These variations are shown at the end of this page.

Word 2019/365 has added a sixth group at the far right: Voice. It holds a Dictate button.

I do not pretend to know what every control does, especially the ones on the dialog boxes. I will tell you what I know. If I am speculating or guessing, I will try to make that clear. As I learn more, this page will be changed. This is a “work in progress.”

The Clipboard Group


The clipboard group is on the far left of the Home Tab. It is often used in conjunction with the Editing group, which is on the far right of that tab.


Paste (with options) Ctrl+V: I have been told that when Microsoft studied Word users, they discovered that the most used Command was “Paste”
so when they redesigned the user interface, they decided to give this command prominence as the first button people would see.
(The keyboard shortcut in most Windows programs including all versions of Word is Ctrl+V.)
The Paste button is actually a drop-down menu of paste choices which is similar to the paste options you see after you paste
if you use the the Ctrl+V shortcut.

2010HomeTabClipboardPasteOptions 2010PasteOptionsCtrl 2013HomePasteOptions

Button Drop-Down – Ctrl Key Result   




The first choice (brush) is to keep source formatting.


The arrow button is to merge formatting and the A is to paste the content into the destination document’s formatting.


Paste Special… brings up a dialog box that I do not pretend to understand.


Set Default Paste… let’s you decide what happens when you simply press Ctrl+V to paste.
It gives far more nuanced control through the Advanced Word Options.



The Cut Button is the mouse equivalent of Ctrl+X.


It deletes content from the current location and puts it in the Clipboard.


Another way of looking at this is that it is the beginning of moving text (or graphics) from one part of a document to another
(or to a different document or even program).


The second step – the new location placement is done with the Paste command or button.


The Copy Button also puts selected text or graphics into the Clipboard. It remains where it is, though.
The keyboard equivalent for this is Ctrl+C.


The Format Painter (Brush) (Ctrl+Shift+C to copy formatting, Ctrl+Shift+V to paste formatting)


I strongly urge people to use Styles rather than the Format Painter. In the long run it will make your life much simpler.


Double-clicking on it allows you to paste to different areas using the mouse brush pointer.


These all work with the Office Clipboard as well as the System Clipboard. You can see what is in the Office Clipboard by clicking
on the dialog launcher in the bottom right corner of the Clipboard group.





This launches the Office Clipboard Task Pane which shows items recently added to the Office Clipboard with the latest at the top.


The Office Clipboard can hold 24 items.


If you Copy or Cut from any program while an Office program is open, the content is added to the Office Clipboard as well as to the System Clipboard.


When you paste content, it will be from the System Clipboard (which holds one item).


To use the Office Clipboard, you need to display the Office Clipboard Task Pane.


That pane is anchored to the left side of the Word window by default but can be made to float and can be resized when floating.


The top of the Office Clipboard Task Pane will tell you the number of items in the clipboard out of the possible 24. If, with the
Clipboard Task Pane showing, you click on one of the items, it will be pasted into your document at the current insertion point
even if it was not the last item placed in the clipboard.




Note that if you Copy or Cut material more than once, it will occupy multiple postitions in the Office Clipboard.


Office does not keep track of whether the item is already in the Office Clipboard.


The Clipboard is available in all MS Office programs.


It is cleared if you close all Office programs or if you use the Clear option.


If you use the Clear option, you will also clear the System Clipboard.

Note, the (Windows) System Clipboard holds the last item cut or copied. It only holds one item.



The Font Group


The font group has to do with how characters look. It is distinguished from the paragraph group where the formatting handles
the entire paragraph. I am going to divide these controls into three parts:

  1. Controls that give you direct formatting or erase that formatting,

  2. A Control that changes the Case of text but is not formatting, and

  3. Controls that change how the text looks but are not considered formatting.

Let’s look at the last two types, first, because there are only two of them.


Change Case: 2010HomeFontChangeCase – Note that Small Caps is not one of the options.


Highlighting: 2013HomeFontHighlight – Highlighting is not considered formatting in Word
Highlighting cannot be part of a Style definition (unlike shading) and is not reversed by the Clear Formatting button.

Next is the Oops button: Clear Formatting, which will strip the effects of the other buttons in the font group from selected text.


Clear All Formatting 2013HomeFontClearFormatting
This says it clears all formatting. This is not accurate. It clears all direct formatting, the same as using Ctrl+Spacebar and Ctrl+Q..
It then changes the paragraph style to the Normal style.


The Clear Formatting button will clear any of the formatting applied by the remaining buttons in the Font Group or direct paragraph formatting as well as any style formatting.

The following are all considered Direct Formatting by Word and can be cleared by the Clear Formatting button (or by Ctrl+Spacebar).


Font Dropdown and Font Size Dropdown
These have been a part of Word since at least Word 97. You can click on them to give a list to select from or you can type in them.
In the size window you can type a size that is not on the dropdown list. In the Font window you can start typing the name
of a font and it will fill in the first font name that fits as you type.


Increase Font Size – Grow Font


Decrease Font Size – Shrink Font
These two buttons will increase/decrease the size of selected text. The increments are according to the font sizes shown in the
dropdown for fonts except that for smaller sizes it will go in increments of one that can be lower than any shown. The minimum is 1.


Bold (Ctrl+B)


Italic (Ctrl+I)


These two buttons apply Bold or Italic formatting to text. When the insertion point is inside text that has been
formatted as bold or Italic, these buttons will be shaded.


Bold and Italic are toggle formatting. I.e., if you apply bold to text that is already bold, it is turned off.


Both can be applied to the same text, so that you can have text formatted Bold and Italic.


I tend to use the Strong and Emphasis character styles instead of the direct formatting in case of a theme change.
There is no built-in style for that. Applying the style is not a toggle.


Underline (with options) (Ctrl+U)


Clicking on the Underline button will underscore your text. Clicking the little triangle on the right will give you options for
the type of underline you want. Once you select an option, that option is active during your Word session (including in
different documents). The Underline Color brings up a palette. More Underlines… brings up the Font dialog box which has
access to even more underline types.


You can only apply one type of underlining to a character. This is character formatting so you could apply different types to
different characters in the same word.


If text is already underlined and you click on the Underline button, the underlining will be removed.




The Strikethrough button gives you a single line through selected text. A double line is possible through the
Font Formatting dialog box (below).


If this button is clicked on text that already has double-line strikethrough, it changes it to single-line.


If it is clicked on text that already has single-line strikethrough, that is removed.


The Strikethrough button will be shaded if selected text has a single underline applied.






These decrease the font size proportionally and lower or raise the baseline.


These buttons are toggles and will be shaded when text is selected to which they apply.


Text Effects


Text Effects lets you apply WordArt type appearance to text in the body of your document. Unlike WordArt, Text Effects can be
applied using Styles.


The Text Effects button is available beginning with Word 2010. The screenshot above is from Word 2013; the last three choices
in the menu are not available in Word 2010.


This works as a gallery, changing the appearance of text as you mouse-over a type.


Also, as you mouse-over, if you pause, you will see background information on the effect.


The Text Effects button only works as a drop-down. Unlike the Underline, Highlighting, and Color buttons which also allow choices,
it will not apply an effect upon being clicked. You need to pick something.


Text Effects work best on larger-size text. On body-size text they will make the text unreadable.


For access to all of the options, you need to use the Dialog Launcher.


I do not pretend to understand all of the choices in this. Here is an Office-Watch page on them.


Font Color


If you simply click on the font color button, it will give you the color shown. That color will be the last one applied to text in your Word session.


If you click on the drop-down, it gives you selections and menu choices.


I try to use Theme colors when they work. That is because if a theme is changed, the color is more likely to fit in.


More Colors gives you access to the full palette


Gradient allows setting multiple colors fading – this is much more effective with larger text.


Font Dialog Launcher (Ctrl+D)


As with many of the Groups on the Ribbon, the Font Group has a dialog launcher button in the bottom right corner.


An alternative for reaching this dialog box is the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+D.


This opens a dialog box that gives control over multiple options and gives more options than do the buttons on the Ribbon.


Two not available on the Ribbon buttons are Double strikethrough, and SMALL CAPS. In addition, the Underline style gives
access to many different kinds of underscores.


The Preview box at the bottom previews what you are setting.


Under that are buttons that let you set these settings as the default for new documents (based on this template),
for text effects, and OK/Cancel.


Even more options are available on the Advanced tab of the font dialog box:



These have to do with character rather than line spacing.


Exploration of these options is beyond the scope of this page.


Clipboard — Font — Paragraph — Styles — Editing — Voice (201


The Paragraph Group


Bullets and Numbering is the top-right section of the paragraph group.


For simple documents that will not need much editing, these will work fine.



The first button is for bullets. Clicking on the bullet button will give you a bullet, the type of bullet will be the last type used by you. Following paragraphs will have the same bullet type. When you press the Enter key to create a new paragraph in an empty line, Word will discontinue use of bullets. When you click on the button, Word changes the indents to add a “hanging indent” that indents both the bullet and the associated text.


Clicking on the down-pointing triangle will give you choices.


You can also choose to define your own bullet icon.

For documents that are going to be heavily edited or with multiple kinds of bullets, I recommend use of bullets linked to Styles. See How to control bullets in Ribbon Versions of Word by Shauna Kelly.


List Numbering

The second bullet is for simple numbered lists. Clicking on the button will give you a single-level numbered list of the type last used. Shown below is such a number inserted with the ruler showing.


Included with the numbering is a first-line indent and a hanging indent. Your numbered list will be set in from the margin and following lines in the paragraph will be set in more.


As with bullets, you can apply this to existing paragraphs.

As with bullets, the down-facing triangle will give you more choices.


The screenshot above shows the gallery of choices. As with the bullets gallery, the list number gallery lets you preview your choice for selected text. In this show, the current choice is with the full stop following the number; the previewed choice is with a right parenthesis. As with bullets, you can define a new format. In addition, you can reset or restart your numbering.

Again, with simple documents that will not be edited much, this button works fine. For anything more complex, you will want to go to Numbering linked to Styles. See How to create numbered headings or outline numbering in Ribbon Versions of Word by Shauna Kelly. This method gives much finer control and is much less prone to development of “spaghetti numbering.”


Paragraph Dialog Launcher

The little arrow in the bottom right corner of the Paragraph group launches the Paragraph Formatting dialog. Again, such formatting is best done using Styles rather than directly.

Paragraph Dialog Launcher Word Help


Clipboard — Font — Paragraph — Styles — Editing — Voice (2019)


The Styles Group


The Styles Group in Word 2007-2010 is shown above. The Styles Group for 2013 and later no longer has the Change Styles dropdown.
That has been moved to the design tab in those versions.

Clipboard — Font — Paragraph — Styles — Editing — Voice (2019)


The Editing Group


The Editing Group actually appears on the far right end of the Home Tab.

The Editing Group has three choices, two of which are drop-down.




Find (Ctrl+F) opens the navigation pane with the insertion point in a search box


Advanced Find (Ctrl+HAlt+D) opens the Find dialog box (See Replace below)


Go To… (Ctrl+G) opens a dialog that lets you go to a point in your document


Replace (Ctrl+H) opens the Replace dialog box shown below.


Actually, it opens a smaller dialog box with everything above “Search Options” on it. In the smaller version the
button on the left reads “More >>” instead of “<< Less.”


Note the Find and Go To tabs at the top. These are the dialog boxes for the Advanced Find and Go To commands.


The Replace dialog can be used instead of the Advanced Find box if you want, just ignore the Replace and Replace All buttons.


Under both the Find what and Replace with boxes are areas for format. These are controlled by the Format and
No Formatting buttons when the cursor is in the box for the text.


There are multiple web pages devoted to this dialog box. Here is a place to start: MVP General Word Help Page

The Voice Group – Dictate Office 2019/365 Only


Variations on the Home Tab

This page has been exploring the controls in Word 2010 and 2013. The Home tab has remained mostly the same in all versions of Word. Here are some screenshots.

Word 2007


-Word 2007 – wider

-Word 2007 – narrower


The three tabs above are all screenshots of the ribbon on the same computer. Word repackages the ribbon tabs to fit the available space. Here, I’ve simply decreased the size of the screenshots of the wider versions.

In the wider version, it gives more space to the Styles Gallery. In the narrower version some buttons shrink or lose captions. The combination of screen size and resolution determines what you will see,  so your ribbons may not look exactly like any of the ones shown here. Another example showing different screen layouts is in the Word 2010 version of the Drawing Tools contextual tab below. Your ribbon may or may not have a Developer Tab, that is up to you.

The Word 2007 and 2010 tabs shown are from a laptop running Windows Vista. The Word 2013 tabs are from a desktop tower running Windows 7 on a larger screen.

Word 2010


Word 2010 – Narrower


(Note the collapse of the QuickStyles Gallery and Editing Group. The Quick Styles gallery is now available through the dialog launcher button next to the word “Styles.”. Other groups are compressed. This is less than half as wide as the one  immediately above it.)

Word 2013


Word 2016/365

Original Word 2016


Word 2016/365 in 2018 – Note Voice/Dictate Group on Right – this is likely to be the starting point for Word 2019


Word 2019/365 in 2019






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Changes / suggestions / ideas can be sent to shala sugam.


MS Word के इस tutorial में हमने home tab के बारे में जाना| इसके अगले वाले series में हमलोग insert tab के बारे में जानेंगे| मुझे उम्मीद है की यह पोस्ट आपको काफी पसंद आया होगा इस पोस्ट को अपने दोस्तों के साथ जरुर share करें और साथ ही साथ rating अवश्य करें|

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        <h2>MS WORD :  HOME TAB</h2>        
    <h2 style="text-align: center;"><strong>LESSION : MS POWER POINT APPLYING THEMES</strong></h2><h3 style="text-align: center;"><strong>INTRODUCTION</strong></h3><h1 align="center"><b>The Home Tab in Word 2007 - Word 2019(365)</b></h1><blockquote><p align="left">This page is about the Home tab and its controls. I attempt to distinguish those controls that apply a formatting to text and those which change text (and the hybrid which is highlighting). <i><b>This page is just started.</b></i></p></blockquote><img src="" /><img src="" alt="" width="100%" height="100%" />

Microsoft Word एक best letter और document writing software है जिसका इस्तेमाल करोडो लोग letter और document type करने के लिए करते हैं| अगर आप अभी अभी MS word के सारे functions को सीखना start किये हैं तो आपको सबसे पहले Home tab के बारे में सीखना होगा क्योंकि इसमें ज्यादातर उपयोग होने वाले option add किये गए हैं जैसे Cut, Copy, Paste etc. आज के इस पोस्ट में हम MS Word के home tab के बारे में सीखेंगे|

MS Word Home Tab in Hindi

MS Word

MS Word में सारे functions को group-wise categorized कर दिया गया है जिससे लोगो को समझने में आसानी हो| MS Word के home tab को 5 group में बाँटा गया है और सभी groups का काम अलग अलग है| इस पोस्ट में हम सभी ग्रुप के सभी functions के बारे में एक एक करके सीखेंगे| इस पोस्ट में बताये गए सभी option को use करने के लिए आपको text select करना होगा| text select करने के बाद ही सभी option का इस्तेमाल कर सकते हैं|

Home tab को keyboard से active करने के लिए सबसे पहले Alt press करें और फिर H press करें|

सभी ग्रुप का नाम tab के निचले part में दिया गया है जैसा की आप image में देख सकते हैं| यह screenshot MS Word 2010 version से लिया गया है| इसमें कुल पाँच ग्रुप हैं जो की इस प्रकार हैं:

MS Word Home Tab
MS Word Home Tab


Clipboard आपके computer memory में एक special location होता है जो की cut और copy किया गया data को temporary store करता है| Temporary का मतलब होता है की यह data को तब तक store करके रखता है जब तक computer shut down (बंद) ना हो जाये या user अपने किसी भी प्रोफाइल से जब तक logout ना हो जाये|

%E0%A4%AB%E0%A5%89%E0%A4%B0%E0%A5%8D%E0%A4%AE%E0%A5%87%E0%A4%9F %E0%A4%AA%E0%A5%87%E0%A4%82%E0%A4%9F%E0%A4%B0 1

Clipboard group के अन्दर Cut, copy, Paste और Format painter option available होता है जिनका अलग अलग काम हैं| चलिए सभी के कार्य देखते हैं|


Cut option का इस्तेमाल text, image और video को cut करके दुसरे जगह paste करना होता है| ‘Cut’ word को cutting word से लिया गया है जिसका हिंदी meaning “काटना”होता है| किसी भी item या data (Text, image, link) को एक जगह से remove करके temporal storage area में store करने के process को Cut कहा जाता है| जब एक बार data clipboard में store हो जाता है तो उसके बाद आप उसे कहीं पर भी paste कर सकते हैं|  Cut का shortcut key Ctrl + x होता है|


‘Copy’ word का हिंदी meaning “प्रतिलिपि” होता है लेकिन इसको हिंदी में “नक़ल करना” भी कहा जाता है| किसी भी data का duplicate बनाने के process को copy कहा जाता है जैसे यदि आपके computer में कोई video है और आप उसे किसी दुसरे computer में भी रखना चाहते हैं तो उसको copy करना होगा| इसका shortcut key Ctrl + C होता है|


‘Paste’ का हिंदी meaning “चिपकाना” होता है| Paste एक operating system या program action होता है जो की किसी भी user को कोई भी data copy करके या cut करके किसी दुसरे location पर store करने का काम करता है| इसका shortcut key Ctrl + V होता है|

Format Painter

Format painter option का इस्तेमाल किसी भी text के formatting को copy करके दुसरे जगह पर apply करने के लिए किया जाता है| जैसे यदि आप same formatting किसी दुसरे MS word document या same document में apply करना चाहते हैं तो उसके लिए आप सबसे पहले formatting किया हुआ text को select कीजिये और उसके बाद Format painter option पर click कीजिये| अब आपका formatting copy हो चूका है इसके बाद जिस text पर formatting apply करना है उसको select कर दीजिये आपका formatting apply हो जायेगा|

अगर आप multiple place को formatting करना चाहते हैं तो उसके लिए आपको सबसे पहले formatting किया हुआ text select करना है और फिर Format painter पर double click करना है और उसके बाद जहाँ जहाँ formatting को apply करना है वहां पर text को select कर दीजिये आपका formatting apply हो जायेगा|

Format painter का shortcut key Ctrl + Shift + C होता है| shortcut key के द्वारा formatting select करने के लिए सबसे पहले formatting किया हुआ text को select करें और फिर shortcut key प्रेस करें| अब formatting copy हो चूका है| Formatting को apply करने के लिए सबसे पहले उस text को select करें जहाँ पर formatting apply करना है और फिर Ctrl + Shift + V press करें, आपका formatting उस text पर apply हो जायेगा|

Home Tab in MS-Word


Font group में font से related सारे option को रखा गया है जिससे आप font पर ढेर सारे option apply कर सकते हैं| इसके अन्दर ढेर सारे option available हैं चलिए एक एक करके सभी option के बारे में जानते हैं|


Font: इसमें आपको font का style change करने के लिए option दिया हुआ होता है जैसे की यदि आप font का style change करना चाहते हैं तो इस option का इस्तेमाल कर सकते हैं| For example: यदि आप किसी दुसरे language में text लिखना चाहते हैं तो आप यहाँ से font style change कर सकते हैं| इसका shortcut key Ctrl + Shift + F होता है|

Font Size: Font size के द्वारा font को छोटा बड़ा कर सकते हैं| इसका shortcut key Ctrl + Shift + P होता है|

Grow Font: Grow font का इस्तेमाल font के size बढ़ाने के लिए किया जाता है| इसका shortcut key Ctrl + > होता है|

Shrink Font: Shrink font का इस्तेमाल font size को छोटा करने के लिए किया जाता है| इसका shortcut key Ctrl + < होता है|

Change Case: इस option के द्वारा text के case को change किया जाता है जैसे की upper case, lower case etc. इस option के अन्दर ढेर सारे case मौजूद होते हैं| चलिए एक एक करके सभी के बारे में जानते हैं|

  • Sentence Case: इस option का इस्तेमाल एक sentence के first character को capital करने के लिए किया जाता है|
  • Lower Case: इस option का इस्तेमाल सभी text को small letter में change करने के लिए किया जाता है|
  • Upper Case: इस option का इस्तेमाल सभी text को capital letter में change करने के लिए किया जाता है|
  • Capitalized Each Word: इस option का इस्तेमाल सभी word के शुरू character को capital letter में change करने के लिए होता है|
  • Toggle Case: Toggle case का इस्तेमाल सभी sentence के शुरू letter को capital letter में change करने के लिए किया जाता है|

Clear Formatting: इस option का इस्तेमाल selected text में दिए गए formatting को clear करने के लिए किया जाता है|

Bold: इस option का इस्तेमाल selected text को मोटा (Bold) करने के लिए किया जाता है| इसका shortcut key Ctrl + B होता है|


Italic: इस option का इस्तेमाल Selected text को italic (तिरछा) करने के लिए किया जाता है| इसका shortcut key Ctrl + I होता है|

Underline: इस option का इस्तेमाल selected text के निचे line देने के लिए किया जाता है जिसे underline कहा जाता है| इसका shortcut key Ctrl + U होता है|

Strikethrough: इस option का इस्तेमाल selected text को बीच से काटने के लिए किया जाता है| Example: ABC

Subscript: इस option का इस्तेमाल text के baseline के निचे small letters create करने के लिए होता है| इसका shortcut key Ctrl + = होता है|

Superscript: इस option का इस्तेमाल text के line के ऊपर small letters create करने के लिए होता है जैसे square, cube लिखने के लिए होता है| इसका shortcut key Ctrl + shift + + होता है|

Text effects: इस option का इस्तेमाल selected text पर visual effects apply करने के लिए किया जाता है| जैसे की Shadow (परछाईं), glow etc.

Text Highlight Colors: इस option का इस्तेमाल selected text को highlight करने के लिए किया जाता है| जैसे हम highlighter से copy या किताब में text का background color create करते हैं ठीक उसी प्रकार इसमें भी text का background color create करने के लिए इसका इस्तेमाल होता है|

Font color: इस option का इस्तेमाल selected text का font color change करने के लिए किया जाता है|


एक पैराग्राफ में एक या एक से ज्यादा sentence मौजूद होते हैं| Paragraph हमेशा नया line से शुरू होता है| Paragraph text writing का एक section होता है| यहाँ पर MS Word के home tab में दिए गए paragraph ग्रुप में ढेर सारे option हैं जिनका इस्तेमाल अलग अलग कार्यों के लिए किया जाता है|

Paragraph Dialog Launcher Word Help

Bullets: Bullets का इस्तेमाल text को bulleted list से start करने के लिए होता है| जैसे यदि आप किसी भी चीज के points को लिख रहे हैं तो आप इस option का इस्तेमाल कर सकते हैं| अलग प्रकार के bullets देने के लिए side में दिए गए arrow button का इस्तेमाल करें|

Numbering: Numbering का इस्तेमाल text के पहले number देने के लिए किया जाता है| यदि आप किसी भी topics के बारे में point by point लिख रहे हैं तो इस option का इस्तेमाल करके numbering दे सकते हैं|अलग प्रकार के numbering देने के लिए side में दिए गए arrow button का इस्तेमाल करें|

Multilevel list: इस option का इस्तेमाल multilevel list देने के लिए किया जाता है जैसे यदि आप किसी topics के बारे में लिख रहे हैं और यदि उस topics के अन्दर भी topics available है और फिर अन्दर वाले topics के अन्दर भी दूसरा topics है तो multilevel list का इस्तेमाल करके उस topics को अच्छे से सजा सकते हैं|

Decrease indent: इस option का इस्तेमाल किसी particular paragraph में दिए गए margin को कम करने के लिए किया जाता है|

Increase indent: इस option का इस्तेमाल किसी particular paragraph में margin देने के लिए किया जाता है|

Sort: इस option का इस्तेमाल Text, numbers, और date को sort करने के लिए किया जाता है यानि की इस option का इस्तेमाल numeric value और alphabetic letter को Ascending और Descending order में short करने के लिए किया जाता है|

Align Text Left: इस option का इस्तेमाल text को left side में ले जाने के लिए किया जाता है|इसका shortcut key Ctrl + L होता है|

Center: इस option का इस्तेमाल text को center में करने के लिए किया जाता है| इसका shortcut key Ctrl + E होता है|

Align Text Right: इस option का इस्तेमाल text को right side में ले जाने के लिए किया जाता है| इसका shortcut key Ctrl + R होता है|

Justify: इस option का इस्तेमाल text को left और right दोनों side से equal करने के लिए किया जाता है| इसमें extra space automatically जरुरत के अनुसार add हो जाता है| यह page को clean look देता है| इस पोस्ट में justify का इस्तेमाल नहीं किया गया है| इसका shortcut key Ctrl + J होता है|

Line and Paragraph Spacing: इस option का इस्तेमाल line और paragraph के बीच spacing देने के लिए किया जाता है| इसमें आप अपने अनुसार line और paragraph के बीच customized spacing दे सकते हैं|

Shading: इस option का इस्तेमाल selected text और paragraph का background देने के लिए किया जाता है|

Border: इस option का इस्तेमाल selected text का border देने के लिए किया जाता है|


इस ग्रुप के अन्दर कुछ बने बनाए हुए designing available होते हैं जिसका इस्तेमाल आप आसानी से अपने document में कर सकते हैं| इसमें customized styling भी बना सकते हैं|


इस ग्रुप के अन्दर editing से related कुछ option रहते हैं जैसे कुछ find करने का, एक page से दुसरे page पर जाने का, replace करने का इत्यादि|

Find: इस option का इस्तेमाल किसी भी text और other contents को find करने के लिए किया जाता है| इसका shortcut key Ctrl + F होता है|

Advance Find: इस option का इस्तेमाल करके आप अपने document में कुछ extra option के द्वारा find कर सकते हैं या फिर कह सकते हैं की इस option के द्वारा हम find करने के लिए option फ़िल्टर करते हैं जैसे यदि हमें उसी word को exact find करना है तो उसके लिए match case का इस्तेमाल कर सकते हैं|

Goto: इस option का इस्तेमाल एक page से directly किसी दुसरे page पर जाने के लिए किया जाता है| इसका shortcut key Ctrl + G होता है| इस option के द्वारा आप किसी particular page, section, line, comment पर जा सकते हैं|

Replace: इस option का इस्तेमाल किसी particular word को या sentence को किसी दुसरे word या sentence के द्वारा replace करने के लिए किया जाता है| इसका shortcut key Ctrl + H होता है|

Select: Select option का इस्तेमाल text को या किसी object को select करने के लिए किया जाता है| इसके अन्दर तीन option available होते हैं| Select All जिसका इस्तेमाल document में पूरे text और object को select करने के लिए किया जाता है| Select object जिसका इस्तेमाल object को select करने के लिए किया जाता है जैसे की shape. और Select text with similar formatting: इस option का इस्तेमाल selected text के formatting वाले सभी text को select करने के लिए किया जाता है|

Selection pane: इसमें आप जितने भी shapes draw करेंगे उनका list show होगा|

Video Tutorial

Conclusion and Final Words

MS Word Home tab सबसे basic tab है जिसके बारे में लगभग सभी computer user को जानना जरुरी है| इस tab में इस्तेमाल किये गए option का इस्तेमाल लगभग अधिकांश software में available होता है और उसका same shortcut key use होता है जैसे की Bold, Italic, Underline etc.



The Home Tab – the basic workspace in a document:


The Home Tab is about the basics of how text looks when it is printed or displayed online. It gives access to both direct and Style-based formatting. Because of the importance of Styles to using Word effectively, it devotes a great deal of space to Styles.

I suspect that many Word users seldom stray from the Home Tab. They are missing many opportunities to make Word work for them, but that is not the topic of this page. On this page I intend to examine the control groups on the Home Tab and what each of the controls does. This leads into the Font and Paragraph dialogs and the Clipboard functions of Word.

The Home Tab has its controls arranged in five (six) groups from left to right:


Clipboard — Font — Paragraph — Styles — Editing — Voice (2019)

Group names are at the bottom of the Ribbon and groups are separated by a thin line. Most but not all groups have a dialog launcher button in the bottom right corner of the group. The Home Tab shown above is a screenshot from Word 2010. The Home tab has varied slightly through Word versions. These variations are shown at the end of this page.

Word 2019/365 has added a sixth group at the far right: Voice. It holds a Dictate button.

I do not pretend to know what every control does, especially the ones on the dialog boxes. I will tell you what I know. If I am speculating or guessing, I will try to make that clear. As I learn more, this page will be changed. This is a “work in progress.”

The Clipboard Group


The clipboard group is on the far left of the Home Tab. It is often used in conjunction with the Editing group, which is on the far right of that tab.


Paste (with options) Ctrl+V: I have been told that when Microsoft studied Word users, they discovered that the most used Command was “Paste”
so when they redesigned the user interface, they decided to give this command prominence as the first button people would see.
(The keyboard shortcut in most Windows programs including all versions of Word is Ctrl+V.)
The Paste button is actually a drop-down menu of paste choices which is similar to the paste options you see after you paste
if you use the the Ctrl+V shortcut.

2010HomeTabClipboardPasteOptions 2010PasteOptionsCtrl 2013HomePasteOptions

Button Drop-Down – Ctrl Key Result   




The first choice (brush) is to keep source formatting.


The arrow button is to merge formatting and the A is to paste the content into the destination document’s formatting.


Paste Special… brings up a dialog box that I do not pretend to understand.


Set Default Paste… let’s you decide what happens when you simply press Ctrl+V to paste.
It gives far more nuanced control through the Advanced Word Options.



The Cut Button is the mouse equivalent of Ctrl+X.


It deletes content from the current location and puts it in the Clipboard.


Another way of looking at this is that it is the beginning of moving text (or graphics) from one part of a document to another
(or to a different document or even program).


The second step – the new location placement is done with the Paste command or button.


The Copy Button also puts selected text or graphics into the Clipboard. It remains where it is, though.
The keyboard equivalent for this is Ctrl+C.


The Format Painter (Brush) (Ctrl+Shift+C to copy formatting, Ctrl+Shift+V to paste formatting)


I strongly urge people to use Styles rather than the Format Painter. In the long run it will make your life much simpler.


Double-clicking on it allows you to paste to different areas using the mouse brush pointer.


These all work with the Office Clipboard as well as the System Clipboard. You can see what is in the Office Clipboard by clicking
on the dialog launcher in the bottom right corner of the Clipboard group.





This launches the Office Clipboard Task Pane which shows items recently added to the Office Clipboard with the latest at the top.


The Office Clipboard can hold 24 items.


If you Copy or Cut from any program while an Office program is open, the content is added to the Office Clipboard as well as to the System Clipboard.


When you paste content, it will be from the System Clipboard (which holds one item).


To use the Office Clipboard, you need to display the Office Clipboard Task Pane.


That pane is anchored to the left side of the Word window by default but can be made to float and can be resized when floating.


The top of the Office Clipboard Task Pane will tell you the number of items in the clipboard out of the possible 24. If, with the
Clipboard Task Pane showing, you click on one of the items, it will be pasted into your document at the current insertion point
even if it was not the last item placed in the clipboard.




Note that if you Copy or Cut material more than once, it will occupy multiple postitions in the Office Clipboard.


Office does not keep track of whether the item is already in the Office Clipboard.


The Clipboard is available in all MS Office programs.


It is cleared if you close all Office programs or if you use the Clear option.


If you use the Clear option, you will also clear the System Clipboard.

Note, the (Windows) System Clipboard holds the last item cut or copied. It only holds one item.



The Font Group


The font group has to do with how characters look. It is distinguished from the paragraph group where the formatting handles
the entire paragraph. I am going to divide these controls into three parts:

  1. Controls that give you direct formatting or erase that formatting,

  2. A Control that changes the Case of text but is not formatting, and

  3. Controls that change how the text looks but are not considered formatting.

Let’s look at the last two types, first, because there are only two of them.


Change Case: 2010HomeFontChangeCase – Note that Small Caps is not one of the options.


Highlighting: 2013HomeFontHighlight – Highlighting is not considered formatting in Word
Highlighting cannot be part of a Style definition (unlike shading) and is not reversed by the Clear Formatting button.

Next is the Oops button: Clear Formatting, which will strip the effects of the other buttons in the font group from selected text.


Clear All Formatting 2013HomeFontClearFormatting
This says it clears all formatting. This is not accurate. It clears all direct formatting, the same as using Ctrl+Spacebar and Ctrl+Q..
It then changes the paragraph style to the Normal style.


The Clear Formatting button will clear any of the formatting applied by the remaining buttons in the Font Group or direct paragraph formatting as well as any style formatting.

The following are all considered Direct Formatting by Word and can be cleared by the Clear Formatting button (or by Ctrl+Spacebar).


Font Dropdown and Font Size Dropdown
These have been a part of Word since at least Word 97. You can click on them to give a list to select from or you can type in them.
In the size window you can type a size that is not on the dropdown list. In the Font window you can start typing the name
of a font and it will fill in the first font name that fits as you type.


Increase Font Size – Grow Font


Decrease Font Size – Shrink Font
These two buttons will increase/decrease the size of selected text. The increments are according to the font sizes shown in the
dropdown for fonts except that for smaller sizes it will go in increments of one that can be lower than any shown. The minimum is 1.


Bold (Ctrl+B)


Italic (Ctrl+I)


These two buttons apply Bold or Italic formatting to text. When the insertion point is inside text that has been
formatted as bold or Italic, these buttons will be shaded.


Bold and Italic are toggle formatting. I.e., if you apply bold to text that is already bold, it is turned off.


Both can be applied to the same text, so that you can have text formatted Bold and Italic.


I tend to use the Strong and Emphasis character styles instead of the direct formatting in case of a theme change.
There is no built-in style for that. Applying the style is not a toggle.


Underline (with options) (Ctrl+U)


Clicking on the Underline button will underscore your text. Clicking the little triangle on the right will give you options for
the type of underline you want. Once you select an option, that option is active during your Word session (including in
different documents). The Underline Color brings up a palette. More Underlines… brings up the Font dialog box which has
access to even more underline types.


You can only apply one type of underlining to a character. This is character formatting so you could apply different types to
different characters in the same word.


If text is already underlined and you click on the Underline button, the underlining will be removed.




The Strikethrough button gives you a single line through selected text. A double line is possible through the
Font Formatting dialog box (below).


If this button is clicked on text that already has double-line strikethrough, it changes it to single-line.


If it is clicked on text that already has single-line strikethrough, that is removed.


The Strikethrough button will be shaded if selected text has a single underline applied.






These decrease the font size proportionally and lower or raise the baseline.


These buttons are toggles and will be shaded when text is selected to which they apply.


Text Effects


Text Effects lets you apply WordArt type appearance to text in the body of your document. Unlike WordArt, Text Effects can be
applied using Styles.


The Text Effects button is available beginning with Word 2010. The screenshot above is from Word 2013; the last three choices
in the menu are not available in Word 2010.


This works as a gallery, changing the appearance of text as you mouse-over a type.


Also, as you mouse-over, if you pause, you will see background information on the effect.


The Text Effects button only works as a drop-down. Unlike the Underline, Highlighting, and Color buttons which also allow choices,
it will not apply an effect upon being clicked. You need to pick something.


Text Effects work best on larger-size text. On body-size text they will make the text unreadable.


For access to all of the options, you need to use the Dialog Launcher.


I do not pretend to understand all of the choices in this. Here is an Office-Watch page on them.


Font Color


If you simply click on the font color button, it will give you the color shown. That color will be the last one applied to text in your Word session.


If you click on the drop-down, it gives you selections and menu choices.


I try to use Theme colors when they work. That is because if a theme is changed, the color is more likely to fit in.


More Colors gives you access to the full palette


Gradient allows setting multiple colors fading – this is much more effective with larger text.


Font Dialog Launcher (Ctrl+D)


As with many of the Groups on the Ribbon, the Font Group has a dialog launcher button in the bottom right corner.


An alternative for reaching this dialog box is the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+D.


This opens a dialog box that gives control over multiple options and gives more options than do the buttons on the Ribbon.


Two not available on the Ribbon buttons are Double strikethrough, and SMALL CAPS. In addition, the Underline style gives
access to many different kinds of underscores.


The Preview box at the bottom previews what you are setting.


Under that are buttons that let you set these settings as the default for new documents (based on this template),
for text effects, and OK/Cancel.


Even more options are available on the Advanced tab of the font dialog box:



These have to do with character rather than line spacing.


Exploration of these options is beyond the scope of this page.


Clipboard — Font — Paragraph — Styles — Editing — Voice (201


The Paragraph Group


Bullets and Numbering is the top-right section of the paragraph group.


For simple documents that will not need much editing, these will work fine.



The first button is for bullets. Clicking on the bullet button will give you a bullet, the type of bullet will be the last type used by you. Following paragraphs will have the same bullet type. When you press the Enter key to create a new paragraph in an empty line, Word will discontinue use of bullets. When you click on the button, Word changes the indents to add a “hanging indent” that indents both the bullet and the associated text.


Clicking on the down-pointing triangle will give you choices.


You can also choose to define your own bullet icon.

For documents that are going to be heavily edited or with multiple kinds of bullets, I recommend use of bullets linked to Styles. See How to control bullets in Ribbon Versions of Word by Shauna Kelly.


List Numbering

The second bullet is for simple numbered lists. Clicking on the button will give you a single-level numbered list of the type last used. Shown below is such a number inserted with the ruler showing.


Included with the numbering is a first-line indent and a hanging indent. Your numbered list will be set in from the margin and following lines in the paragraph will be set in more.


As with bullets, you can apply this to existing paragraphs.

As with bullets, the down-facing triangle will give you more choices.


The screenshot above shows the gallery of choices. As with the bullets gallery, the list number gallery lets you preview your choice for selected text. In this show, the current choice is with the full stop following the number; the previewed choice is with a right parenthesis. As with bullets, you can define a new format. In addition, you can reset or restart your numbering.

Again, with simple documents that will not be edited much, this button works fine. For anything more complex, you will want to go to Numbering linked to Styles. See How to create numbered headings or outline numbering in Ribbon Versions of Word by Shauna Kelly. This method gives much finer control and is much less prone to development of “spaghetti numbering.”


Paragraph Dialog Launcher

The little arrow in the bottom right corner of the Paragraph group launches the Paragraph Formatting dialog. Again, such formatting is best done using Styles rather than directly.

Paragraph Dialog Launcher Word Help


Clipboard — Font — Paragraph — Styles — Editing — Voice (2019)


The Styles Group


The Styles Group in Word 2007-2010 is shown above. The Styles Group for 2013 and later no longer has the Change Styles dropdown.
That has been moved to the design tab in those versions.

Clipboard — Font — Paragraph — Styles — Editing — Voice (2019)


The Editing Group


The Editing Group actually appears on the far right end of the Home Tab.

The Editing Group has three choices, two of which are drop-down.




Find (Ctrl+F) opens the navigation pane with the insertion point in a search box


Advanced Find (Ctrl+HAlt+D) opens the Find dialog box (See Replace below)


Go To… (Ctrl+G) opens a dialog that lets you go to a point in your document


Replace (Ctrl+H) opens the Replace dialog box shown below.


Actually, it opens a smaller dialog box with everything above “Search Options” on it. In the smaller version the
button on the left reads “More >>” instead of “<< Less.”


Note the Find and Go To tabs at the top. These are the dialog boxes for the Advanced Find and Go To commands.


The Replace dialog can be used instead of the Advanced Find box if you want, just ignore the Replace and Replace All buttons.


Under both the Find what and Replace with boxes are areas for format. These are controlled by the Format and
No Formatting buttons when the cursor is in the box for the text.


There are multiple web pages devoted to this dialog box. Here is a place to start: MVP General Word Help Page

The Voice Group – Dictate Office 2019/365 Only


Variations on the Home Tab

This page has been exploring the controls in Word 2010 and 2013. The Home tab has remained mostly the same in all versions of Word. Here are some screenshots.

Word 2007


-Word 2007 – wider

-Word 2007 – narrower


The three tabs above are all screenshots of the ribbon on the same computer. Word repackages the ribbon tabs to fit the available space. Here, I’ve simply decreased the size of the screenshots of the wider versions.

In the wider version, it gives more space to the Styles Gallery. In the narrower version some buttons shrink or lose captions. The combination of screen size and resolution determines what you will see,  so your ribbons may not look exactly like any of the ones shown here. Another example showing different screen layouts is in the Word 2010 version of the Drawing Tools contextual tab below. Your ribbon may or may not have a Developer Tab, that is up to you.

The Word 2007 and 2010 tabs shown are from a laptop running Windows Vista. The Word 2013 tabs are from a desktop tower running Windows 7 on a larger screen.

Word 2010


Word 2010 – Narrower


(Note the collapse of the QuickStyles Gallery and Editing Group. The Quick Styles gallery is now available through the dialog launcher button next to the word “Styles.”. Other groups are compressed. This is less than half as wide as the one  immediately above it.)

Word 2013


Word 2016/365

Original Word 2016


Word 2016/365 in 2018 – Note Voice/Dictate Group on Right – this is likely to be the starting point for Word 2019


Word 2019/365 in 2019






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Changes / suggestions / ideas can be sent to shala sugam.


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    <h2 style="text-align: center;"><strong>LESSION : MS POWER POINT TEXT BASICS</strong></h2><h3 style="text-align: center;"><strong>INTRODUCTION</strong></h3>If you're new to PowerPoint, you'll need to learn the basics of<strong> working with text</strong>. In this lesson, you'll learn how to <strong>cut</strong>, <strong>copy</strong>,<strong> paste</strong>, and <strong>format</strong> text.

Optional: Download our practice presentation.

Watch the video below to learn more about the basics of working with text in PowerPoint.

To select text:

Before you can move or arrange text, you’ll need to select it.

  • Click next to the text you want to select, drag the mouse over the text, then release your mouse. The text will be selected.
    selecting text

Copying and moving text

PowerPoint allows you to copy text that is already on a slide and paste it elsewhere, which can save you time. If you want to move text, you can cut and paste or drag and drop the text.

To copy and paste text:

  1. Select the text you want to copy, then click the Copy command on the Home tab.
    clicking the Copy command
  2. Place the insertion point where you want the text to appear.
  3. Click the Paste command on the Home tab.
    clicking the Paste command
  4. The copied text will appear.

To cut and paste text:

  1. Select the text you want to move, then click the Cut command.
    clicking the Cut command
  2. Place the insertion point where you want the text to appear, then click the Paste command.
    clicking the Paste command
  3. The text will appear in the new location.

You can access the cutcopy, and paste commands by using keyboard shortcuts. Press Ctrl+X to cut, Ctrl+C to copy, and Ctrl+V to paste.

To drag and drop text:

  1. Select the text you want to move, then click and drag the text to the desired location.
    clicking and dragging text
  2. The text will appear in the new location.
    the moved text

Formatting and aligning text

Formatted text can draw your audience’s attention to specific parts of a presentation and emphasize important information. In PowerPoint, you have several options for adjusting text, including size and color. You can also adjust the alignment of the text to change how it is displayed on the slide.

Click the buttons in the interactive below to learn about the different commands in the Font and Paragraph groups.

the Font and Paragraph groups


You can use these commands to align your text at the topmiddle, or bottom of a placeholder or text box.

♣ Challenge! ♣ 

  1. Open our practice presentation  ⇐ (CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD).
  2. Select slide 4.
  3. Use cut and paste or drag and drop to move the text Lower blood pressure between Companionship and Social opportunities.
  4. Select the list of benefits and add italics.
  5. Select the text Did you Know?, remove the boldface, and change the size to 36pt.
  6. When you’re finished, your slide should look like this:
    Text Basics Challenge




A theme is a predefined combination of colors, fonts, and effects. Different themes also use different slide layouts. You’ve already been using a theme, even if you didn’t know it: the default Office theme. You can choose from a variety of new themes at any time, giving your entire presentation a consistent, professional look.

Optional: Download our practice presentation.

Watch the video below to learn more about applying themes in PowerPoint.

What is a theme?

In PowerPoint, themes give you a quick and easy way to change the design of your presentation. They control your primary color palette, basic fonts, slide layout, and other important elements. All of the elements of a theme will work well together, which means you won’t have to spend as much time formatting your presentation.

Each theme uses its own set of slide layouts. These layouts control the way your content is arranged, so the effect can be dramatic. In the examples below, you can see that the placeholdersfonts, and colors are different.

The Frame theme and the Integral theme

If you use a unique slide layout—such as Quote with Caption or Name Card—then switch to a theme that does not include this layout, it may give unexpected results.

Every PowerPoint theme—including the default Office theme—has its own theme elements. These elements include:

  • Theme Colors: There are 10 theme colors, along with darker and lighter variations, available from every Color menu.Theme Colors
  • Theme Fonts: There are two theme fonts available at the top of the Font menu under Theme Fonts.Theme Fonts
  • Theme Effects: These affect the preset shape styles. You can find shape styles on the Format tab whenever you select a shape or SmartArt graphic.Theme Effects

When you switch to a different theme, all of these elements will update to reflect the new theme. You can drastically change the look of your presentation in a few clicks.

If you apply a font or color that isn’t part of the theme, it won’t change when you select a different theme. This includes colors selected from the Standard Colors or More Colors options and fonts selected from All Fonts. Using non-theme elements can be useful when you want certain text to be a specific color or font, like a logo.

You can also customize themes and define theme elements yourself. To learn more, review our lesson on Modifying Themes.

Applying themes

All themes included in PowerPoint are located in the Themes group on the Design tab. Themes can be applied or changed at any time.

To apply a theme:

  1. Select the Design tab on the Ribbon, then locate the Themes group. Each image represents a theme.
  2. Click the More drop-down arrow to see all available themes.Clicking the More drop-down arrow
  3. Select the desired theme.Selecting a theme
  4. The theme will be applied to the entire presentation. To apply a different theme, simply select it from the Design tab.The applied theme

Once you’ve applied a theme, you can select a variant for the theme from the Variants group. Variants use different theme colors while preserving a theme’s overall look.


Applying a theme variant


♣ Challenge! ♣ 


  1. Open our practice presentation. ⇐ (CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD).
  2. Apply the Gallery theme, which has a light background with a wood texture at the bottom. Note: Theme names will appear when you hover over them.
  3. Select a variant of the theme.
  4. Here is an example of what your presentation might look like:Applying Themes Challenge
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        <h2>MS POWER POINT :  SAVING PRESENTATION</h2>      
    <h2 style="text-align: center;"><strong>LESSION : MS POWER POINT SLIDE BASICS</strong></h2><h3 style="text-align: center;"><strong>INTRODUCTION</strong></h3><p style="text-align: left;">Every PowerPoint presentation is composed of a series of <strong>slides</strong>. To begin creating a slide show, you'll need to know the basics of working with slides. You'll need to feel comfortable with tasks like <strong>inserting</strong> a new slide, <strong>changing the layout</strong> of a slide, <strong>arranging</strong> existing slides, <strong>changing the slide view</strong>, and <strong>adding notes</strong> to a slide.</p><p style="text-align: left;">Optional: Download our <strong><a style="color: #ff00ff;" href="">practice presentation</a>.</strong></p><p style="text-align: left;">Watch the video below to learn more about slide basics in PowerPoint.</p><iframe src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe><h4 style="text-align: left;">Understanding slides and slide layouts</h4><p style="text-align: left;">When you insert a <strong>new slide</strong>, it will usually have <strong>placeholders</strong> to show you where content will be placed. Slides have different <strong>layouts </strong>for placeholders, depending on the type of information you want to include. Whenever you create a new slide, you'll need to choose a slide layout that fits your content.</p><img src="" alt="Different slide layouts" /><p style="text-align: left;">Placeholders can contain different types of content, including text, images, and videos. Many placeholders have <strong>thumbnail icons</strong> you can click to add specific types of content. In the example below, the slide has placeholders for the <strong>title</strong> and <strong>content</strong>.</p><img src="" alt="A slide with empty placeholders" /><h4 style="text-align: left;">To insert a new slide:</h4><p style="text-align: left;">Whenever you start a new presentation, it will contain <strong>one slide</strong> with the <strong>Title Slide</strong> layout. You can insert as many slides as you need from a variety of layouts.</p><ol style="text-align: left;"><li style="text-align: left;">From the <strong>Home</strong> tab, click the <strong>bottom half</strong> of the <strong>New</strong> <strong>Slide</strong> command.<img src="" alt="Clicking the bottom half of the New Slide command" /></li><li style="text-align: left;">Choose the desired <strong>slide layout</strong> from the menu that appears.<img src="" alt="Choosing a slide layout" /></li><li> </li><li style="text-align: left;">The new slide will appear. Click any <strong>placeholder</strong> and begin typing to add text. You can also click an <strong>icon</strong> to add other types of content, like a <strong>picture</strong> or <strong>chart</strong>.<img src="" alt="The new slide" width="701" height="312" /></li><li> </li></ol><p style="text-align: left;">To change the layout of an existing slide, click the <strong>Layout</strong> command, then choose the desired layout.</p><img src="" alt="Applying a new layout to an existing slide" /><p style="text-align: left;">To quickly add a slide that uses the same layout as the selected slide, click the <strong>top half</strong> of the <strong>New Slide</strong> command.</p><img src="" alt="Inserting a new slide with the same layout" /><h3 style="text-align: left;">Organizing slides</h3><p style="text-align: left;">PowerPoint presentations can contain as many slides as you need. The <strong>Slide Navigation pane</strong> on the left side of the screen makes it easy to <strong>organize</strong> your slides. From there, you can <strong>duplicate</strong>, <strong>rearrange</strong>, and <strong>delete</strong> slides in your presentation.</p><img src="" alt="The Slide Navigation pane" /><h4 style="text-align: left;">Working with slides</h4><ul style="text-align: left;"><li><strong>Duplicate slides</strong>: If you want to copy and paste a slide quickly, you can <strong>duplicate</strong> it. To duplicate slides, select the slide you want to <strong>duplicate</strong>, right-click the mouse, and choose <strong>Duplicate Slide</strong> from the menu that appears. You can also duplicate <strong>multiple slides</strong> at once by selecting them first.<img src="" alt="Duplicating slides" /></li><li><strong>Move slides</strong>: It's easy to change the <strong>order</strong> of your slides. Just click and drag the <strong>desired slide</strong> in the Slide Navigation pane to the desired position.<img src="" alt="Moving a slide" /></li><li><strong>Delete slides</strong>: If you want to remove a slide from your presentation, you can <strong>delete</strong> it. Simply select the slide you want to delete, then press the <strong>Delete</strong> or <strong>Backspace </strong>key on your keyboard.</li></ul><h4 style="text-align: left;">To copy and paste slides:</h4><p style="text-align: left;">If you want to create several slides with the same layout, you may find it easier to <strong>copy and paste</strong> a slide you've already created instead of starting with an empty slide.</p><ol style="text-align: left;"><li>Select the <strong>slide</strong> you want to copy in the Slide Navigation pane, then click the <strong>Copy</strong> command on the <strong>Home</strong> tab. You can also press <strong>Ctrl+C </strong>on your keyboard.<img src="" alt="Selecting a slide and clicking the Copy command" /></li><li>In the Slide Navigation pane, click just below a slide (or between two slides) to choose a paste location. A <strong>horizontal insertion point</strong> will appear.<img src="" alt="Choosing a paste location" /></li><li>Click the <strong>Paste</strong> command on the <strong>Home</strong> tab. You can also press <strong>Ctrl+V </strong>on your keyboard.<img src="" alt="Clicking the Paste command" /></li><li>The slide will appear in the selected location.<img src="" alt="The pasted slide" /></li></ol><h3 style="text-align: left;">Customizing slide layouts</h3><p style="text-align: left;">Sometimes you may find that a slide layout doesn't exactly fit your needs. For example, a layout might have too many—or too few—placeholders. You might also want to change how the placeholders are arranged on the slide. Fortunately, PowerPoint makes it easy to adjust slide layouts as needed.</p><h4 style="text-align: left;">Adjusting placeholders</h4><ul style="text-align: left;"><li><strong>To select a placeholder</strong>: Hover the mouse over the edge of the placeholder and click (you may need to click the text in the placeholder first to see the border). A selected placeholder will have a <strong>solid</strong> <strong>line</strong> instead of a dotted line.<img src="" alt="Selecting a placeholder" /></li><li><strong>To move a placeholder</strong>: Select the placeholder, then click and drag it to the desired location.<img src="" alt="Moving a placeholder" /></li><li><strong>To resize a placeholder</strong>: Select the placeholder you want to resize. <strong>Sizing handles</strong> will appear. Click and drag the <strong>sizing handles</strong> until the placeholder is the desired size. You can use the corner sizing handles to change the placeholder's <strong>height</strong> and <strong>width</strong> at the same time.<img src="" alt="Resizing a placeholder" /></li><li><strong>To delete a placeholder</strong>: Select the placeholder you want to delete, then press the <strong>Delete</strong> or <strong>Backspace</strong> key on your keyboard.</li></ul><h4 style="text-align: left;">To add a text box:</h4><p style="text-align: left;">Text can be inserted into both <strong>placeholders</strong> and <strong>text boxes</strong>. Inserting <strong>text boxes</strong> allows you to add to the slide layout. Unlike placeholders, text boxes always stay in the same place, even if you change the theme.</p><ol style="text-align: left;"><li>From the <strong>Insert</strong> tab, select the <strong>Text</strong> <strong>Box</strong> command.<img src="" alt="Clicking the Text Box command" /></li><li>Click and drag to draw the text box on the slide.<img src="" alt="Drawing the text box" /></li><li>The text box will appear. To add text, simply click the text box and begin typing.<img src="" alt="The new text box" /></li></ol><h4 style="text-align: left;">Using blank slides</h4><p style="text-align: left;">If you want even more control over your content, you may prefer to use a <strong>blank slide</strong>, which contains no placeholders. Blank slides can be customized by adding your own text boxes, pictures, charts, and more.</p><ul style="text-align: left;"><li>To insert a blank slide, click the bottom half of the <strong>New Slide </strong>command, then choose <strong>Blank</strong> from the menu that appears.<img src="" alt="Inserting a blank slide" /></li></ul><p style="text-align: left;">While blank slides offer more flexibility, keep in mind that you won't be able to take advantage of the predesigned layouts included in each theme.</p><h4 style="text-align: left;">To play the presentation:</h4><p style="text-align: left;">Once you've arranged your slides, you may want to <strong>play</strong> your presentation. This is how you will present your slide show to an audience.</p><ol style="text-align: left;"><li>Click the <strong>Start From Beginning </strong>command on the Quick Access Toolbar to see your presentation.<img src="" alt="Clicking the Start From Beginning command" /></li><li>The presentation will appear in full-screen mode.</li><li>You can advance to the next slide by <strong>clicking your mouse</strong> or pressing the <strong>spacebar</strong> on your keyboard. You can also use the <strong>arrow keys</strong> on your keyboard to move forward or backward through the presentation.</li><li>Press the <strong>Esc</strong> key to exit presentation mode.</li></ol><p style="text-align: left;">You can also press the <strong>F5</strong> key at the top of your keyboard to start a presentation.</p><h3 style="text-align: left;">Customizing slides</h3><h4 style="text-align: left;">To change the slide size:</h4><p style="text-align: left;">By default, all slides in PowerPoint 2013 use a<strong> 16</strong><strong>-</strong><strong>by-9</strong>—or <strong>widescreen</strong>—aspect ratio. You might know that widescreen TVs also use the 16-by-9 aspect ratio. Widescreen slides will work best with widescreen monitors and projectors. However, if you need your presentation to fit a <strong>4-by-3</strong> screen, it's easy to change the slide size to fit.</p><ul style="text-align: left;"><li>To change the slide size, select the <strong>Design</strong> tab, then click the <strong>Slide Size</strong> command. Choose the desired slide size from the menu that appears, or click <strong>Custom Slide Size</strong> for more options.<img src="" alt="Choosing a slide size" /></li></ul><h4 style="text-align: left;">To format the slide background:</h4><p style="text-align: left;">By default, all slides in your presentation use a <strong>white background</strong>. It's easy to change the background style for some or all of your slides. Backgrounds can have a <strong>solid</strong>, <strong>gradient</strong>, <strong>pattern</strong>, or <strong>picture</strong> fill.</p><ol style="text-align: left;"><li>Select the <strong>Design</strong> tab, then click the <strong>Format</strong> <strong>Background</strong> command.<img src="" alt="Clicking the Format Background command" /></li><li>The <strong>Format Background</strong> pane will appear on the right. Select the desired fill options. In our example, we'll use a <strong>Solid</strong> <strong>fill</strong> with a <strong>light gold</strong> color.<img src="" alt="Choosing the background fill options" /></li><li>The background style of the selected slide will update.</li><li>If you want, you can click <strong>Apply to All</strong> to apply the same background style to all slides in your presentation.<img src="" alt="Clicking Apply to All" /></li></ol><h4 style="text-align: left;">To apply a theme:</h4><p style="text-align: left;">A theme is a <strong>predefined combination</strong> of colors, fonts, and effects that can quickly change the look and feel of your entire slide show. Different themes also use different <strong>slide layouts</strong>, which can change the arrangement of your existing placeholders. We'll talk more about themes later in our Applying Themes lesson.</p><ol style="text-align: left;"><li>Select the <strong>Design</strong> tab on the Ribbon, then click the <strong>More</strong> drop-down arrow to see all of the available themes.<img src="" alt="Clicking the More drop-down arrow" /></li><li>Select the <strong>desired theme</strong>.<img src="" alt="Selecting a theme" /></li><li>The theme will be applied to your <strong>entire presentation</strong>.<img src="" alt="The applied theme" width="701" height="302" /></li></ol><p style="text-align: left;">Try applying a few themes to your presentation. Some themes will work better than others, depending on your content.</p><h4 style="text-align: center;"><strong>♣ </strong><strong>Challenge! </strong><strong>♣ </strong></h4><ol style="text-align: left;"><li>Open our <a style="color: #ff00ff;" href=""><strong>practice presentation</strong></a>.</li><li>Change the <strong>theme</strong> of the presentation.</li><li><strong>Delete</strong> slide 7. This slide should be blank.</li><li>Add a new slide with the <strong>Title and Content</strong> layout to the end of the presentation.</li><li>In the <strong>Title</strong> placeholder, type <strong>Adoption Event Dates</strong>.</li><li>Select the <strong>Content</strong> placeholder and delete it.</li><li><strong>Insert</strong> a text box and type <strong>July 17, 2017</strong> inside it.</li><li>Change the slide size to <strong>Standard (4:3)</strong>. A dialog box will appear asking if you want to maximize or ensure fit. Choose <strong>Ensure Fit</strong>.</li><li>When you're finished, your presentation should look something like this:</li></ol><p style="text-align: left;"> </p>

Slide Basic Challenge

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