<h2 style="text-align: center;"><strong>LESSION : MS POWER POINT SAVING PRESENTATION</strong></h2><h3 style="text-align: center;"><strong>Introduction</strong></h3>Whenever you create a new presentation in PowerPoint, you'll need to know how to <strong>save</strong> in order to access and edit it later. As with previous versions of PowerPoint, you can save files to your <strong>computer</strong>. If you prefer, you can also save files to <strong>the cloud</strong> using <strong>OneDrive</strong>. You can even <strong>export</strong> and <strong>share</strong> presentations directly from PowerPoint.
Watch the video below to learn more about saving and sharing PowerPoint presentations.
♣ Save and Save As
PowerPoint offers two ways to save a file: Save and Save As. These options work in similar ways, with a few important differences.
Save: When you create or edit a presentation, you’ll use the Save command to save your changes. You’ll use this command most of the time. When you save a file, you’ll only need to choose a file name and location the first time. After that, you can just click the Save command to save it with the same name and location.
Save As: You’ll use this command to create a copy of a presentation while keeping the original. When you use Save As, you’ll need to choose a different name and/or location for the copied version.
♣ About OneDrive
Most features in Microsoft Office, including PowerPoint, are geared toward saving and sharing documents online. This is done with OneDrive, which is an online storage space for your documents and files. If you want to use OneDrive, make sure you’re signed in to PowerPoint with your Microsoft account. Review our lesson on Understanding OneDrive to learn more.
♣ To save a presentation:
It’s important to save your presentation whenever you start a new project or make changes to an existing one. Saving early and often can prevent your work from being lost. You’ll also need to pay close attention to where you save the presentation so it will be easy to find later.
Locate and select the Save command on the QuickAccessToolbar.
If you’re saving the file for the first time, the Save As pane will appear in Backstageview.
You’ll then need to choose where to save the file and give it a file name. Click Browse to select a location on your computer. You can also click OneDrive to save the file to your OneDrive.
The Save As dialog box will appear. Select the location where you want to save the presentation.
Enter a file name for the presentation, then click Save.
The presentation will be saved. You can click the Save command again to save your changes as you modify the presentation.
You can also access the Save command by pressing Ctrl+S on your keyboard.
♣ Using Save As to make a copy
If you want to save a different version of a presentation while keeping the original, you can create a copy. For example, if you have a file named Client Presentation you could save it as Client Presentation 2 so you’ll be able to edit the new file and still refer back to the original version.
To do this, you’ll click the Save As command in Backstage view. Just like when saving a file for the first time, you’ll need to choose where to save the file and give it a new file name.
♣ To change the default save location:
If you don’t want to use OneDrive, you may be frustrated that OneDrive is selected as the default location when saving. If you find this inconvenient, you can change the default save location so This PC is selected by default.
Click the File tab to access Backstageview.
Click Options.
The PowerPoint Options dialog box will appear. Select Save, check the box next to Save to Computer by default, then click OK. The default save location will be changed.
♣ Using Auto Recover
PowerPoint automatically saves your presentations to a temporary folder while you are working on them. If you forget to save your changes or if PowerPoint crashes, you can restore the file using Auto Recover.
♣ To use Auto Recover:
Open PowerPoint. If autosaved versions of a file are found, the DocumentRecovery pane will appear.
Click to open an available file. The presentation will be recovered.
By default, PowerPoint autosaves every 10 minutes. If you are editing a presentation for less than 10 minutes, PowerPoint may not create an autosaved version.
If you don’t see the file you need, you can browse all autosaved files from Backstageview. Just select the File tab, click Manage Presentation, then choose Recover Unsaved Presentations.
♣ Exporting presentations
By default, PowerPoint presentations are saved in the .pptx file type. However, there may be times when you need to use another file type, such as a PDF or PowerPoint 97-2003 presentation. It’s easy to export your presentation from PowerPoint to a variety of file types.
PDF: This saves the presentation as a PDF document instead of a PowerPoint file.
Video: This saves the presentation as a video.
Package for CD: This saves the presentation in a folder along with the Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer, a special slide show player anyone can download.
Handouts: This prints a handout version of your slides.
Other file type: This saves in other file types, including PNG and PowerPoint 97-2003.
♣ To export a presentation:
In our example, we’ll save the presentation as a PowerPoint 97-2003 file.
Click the File tab to access Backstageview.
Click Export, then choose the desired option. In our example, we’ll select ChangeFileType.
Select a filetype, then click SaveAs.
The Save As dialog box will appear. Select the location where you want to export the presentation, type a file name, then click Save.
You can also use the Save as type drop-down menu in the Save As dialog box to save presentations in a variety of file types. Be careful to choose a file type others will be able to open.
♣ Sharing presentations
PowerPoint makes it easy to shareand collaborate on presentations using OneDrive. In the past, if you wanted to share a file with someone you could send it as an email attachment. While convenient, this system also creates multiple versions of the same file, which can be difficult to organize.
When you share a presentation from PowerPoint, you’re actually giving others access to the exact same file. This lets you and the people you share with edit the same presentation without having to keep track of multiple versions.
In order to share a presentation, it must first be savedtoyourOneDrive.
To share a presentation:
Click the File tab to access Backstageview, then click Share.
PowerPoint will return to Normal view and open the Share panel on the right side of the window. From here, you can invite people to share your document, see a list of who has access to the document, and set whether they can edit or only view the document.
Use Save As to create a copy of the presentation. Name the new copy Saving Challenge Practice. You can save it to a folder on your computer or to your OneDrive.
<h3 style="text-align: center;" tabindex="0" aria-label="Lesson Divider Lesson 3: Creating and Opening Presentations"><strong>Lesson 2: Creating and Opening Presentations</strong></h3> </p><h3 style="text-align: center;"><strong>Introduction</strong></h3><p>PowerPoint files are called <strong>presentations</strong>. Whenever you start a new project in PowerPoint, you'll need to <strong>create a new presentation</strong>, which can either be <strong>blank</strong> or from a <strong>template</strong>. You'll also need to know how to <strong>open an existing presentation</strong>.
Watch the video below to learn more about creating and opening presentations in PowerPoint.
To create a new presentation:
When beginning a new project in PowerPoint, you’ll often want to start with a new blank presentation.
Select the File tab to go to Backstage view.
Select New on the left side of the window, then click Blank Presentation.
A new presentation will appear.
To create a new presentation from a template:
A template is a predesigned presentation you can use to create a new slide show quickly. Templates often include custom formatting and designs, so they can save you a lot of time and effort when starting a new project.
Click the File tab to access Backstage view, then select New.
You can click a suggested search to find templates or use the searchbar to find something more specific. In our example, we’ll search for the keyword chalkboard.
Select a template to review it.
A preview of the template will appear, along with additional information on how the template can be used.
Click Create to use the selected template.
A new presentation will appear with the selected template.
It’s important to note that not all templates are created by Microsoft. Many are created by third-party providers and even individual users, so some templates may work better than others.
To open an existing presentation:
In addition to creating new presentations, you’ll often need to open a presentation that was previously saved. To learn more about saving presentations, review our lesson on Saving Presentations.
Select the File tab to go to Backstage view, then click Open.
Click Browse. You can also choose OneDrive to open files stored on your OneDrive.
The Open dialog box will appear. Locate and select your presentation, then click Open.
Most features in Microsoft Office, including PowerPoint, are geared toward saving and sharing documents online. This is done with OneDrive, which is an online storage space for your documents and files. If you want to use OneDrive, make sure you’re signed in to PowerPoint with your Microsoft account. Review our lesson on Understanding OneDrive to learn more.
To pin a presentation:
If you frequently work with the same presentation, you can pin it to Backstage view for easy access.
Select the File tab to go to Backstage view, then click Open. Your Recent Presentations will appear.
Hover the mouse over the presentation you want to pin, then click the pushpin icon.
The presentation will stay in the Recent presentations list until it is unpinned. To unpin a presentation, click the pushpin icon again.
Compatibility Mode
Sometimes you may need to work with presentations that were created in earlier versions of PowerPoint, like PowerPoint 2003 or PowerPoint 2000. When you open these types of presentations, they will appear in Compatibility Mode.
Compatibility Mode disables certain features, so you’ll only be able to access commands found in the program that was used to create the presentation. For example, if you open a presentation created in PowerPoint 2003, you can only use tabs and commands found in PowerPoint 2003.
In the image below, you can see at the top of the window that the presentation is in Compatibility Mode. This will disable some current PowerPoint features, including newer types of slide transitions.
To exit Compatibility Mode, you’ll need to convert the presentation to the current version type. However, if you’re collaborating with others who only have access to an earlier version of PowerPoint, it’s best to leave the presentation in Compatibility Mode so the format will not change.
You can review this support page from Microsoft to learn more about which features are disabled in Compatibility Mode.
To convert a presentation:
If you want access to the newer features, you can convert the presentation to the current file format.
Note that converting a file may cause some changes to the original layout of the presentation.
Click the File tab to access Backstage view.
Locate and select the Convert command.
The Save As dialog box will appear. Select the location where you want to save the presentation, enter a file name, and click Save.
The presentation will be converted to the newest file type.
Notice that the presentation opens in Compatibility Mode. Convert it to the current file format. If a dialog box appears asking if you would like to close and reopen the file in order to see the new features, choose Yes.
<h2 style="text-align: center;"><strong>Introduction</strong></h2>PowerPoint is a <strong>presentation program </strong>that allows you to create dynamic slide presentations. These presentations can include animation, narration, images, videos, and much more. In this lesson, you'll learn your way around the PowerPoint environment, including the <strong>Ribbon</strong>, <strong>Quick Access Toolbar</strong>, and <strong>Backstage view</strong>.
Watch the video below to learn more about getting started with PowerPoint.
About this tutorial
The procedures in this tutorial will work for all recent versions of Microsoft PowerPoint, including PowerPoint 2019, PowerPoint2016, and Office 365. There may be some slight differences, but for the most part these versions are similar. However, if you’re using an earlier version, you may want to refer to one of our other PowerPoint tutorials instead.
♦ The PowerPoint interface
When you open PowerPoint for the first time, the Start Screen will appear. From here, you’ll be able to create a new presentation, choose a template, and access your recently edited presentations. From the Start Screen, locate and select Blank Presentation to access the PowerPoint interface.
Click the buttons in the interactive below to become familiar with the PowerPoint interface.
Working with the PowerPoint environment
The Ribbon and Quick Access Toolbar are where you will find the commands to perform common tasks in PowerPoint. Backstage view gives you various options for saving, opening a file, printing, and sharing your document.
The Ribbon
PowerPoint uses a tabbed Ribbon system instead of traditional menus. The Ribbon contains multiple tabs, each with several groupsof commands. For example, the Font group on the Home tab contains commands for formatting text in your document.
Some groups also have a small arrow in the bottom-right corner that you can click for even more options.
Showing and hiding the Ribbon
The Ribbon is designed to respond to your current task, but you can choose to minimize it if you find that it takes up too much screen space. Click the Ribbon Display Options arrow in the upper-right corner of the Ribbon to display the drop-down menu.
Auto-hide Ribbon: Auto-hide displays your workbook in full-screen mode and completely hides the Ribbon. To show the Ribbon, click the Expand Ribbon command at the top of screen.
Show Tabs: This option hides all command groups when they’re not in use, but tabs will remain visible. To show the Ribbon, simply click a tab.
Show Tabs and Commands: This option maximizes the Ribbon. All of the tabs and commands will be visible. This option is selected by default when you open PowerPoint for the first time.
Using the Tell me feature
If you’re having trouble finding a command you want, the Tell Me feature can help. It works just like a regular search bar: Type what you’re looking for, and a list of options will appear. You can then use the command directly from the menu without having to find it on the Ribbon.
The Quick Access Toolbar
Located just above the Ribbon, the Quick Access Toolbar lets you access common commands no matter which tab is selected. By default, it includes the Save, Undo, Redo, and Start From Beginning commands. You can add other commands depending on your preference.
To add commands to the Quick Access Toolbar:
Click the drop-down arrow to the right of the Quick Access Toolbar.
Select the command you want to add from the drop-down menu. To choose from more commands, select More Commands.
The command will be added to the Quick Access Toolbar.
The Ruler, guides, and gridlines
PowerPoint includes several tools to help organize and arrange content on your slides, including the Ruler, guides, and gridlines. These tools make it easier to align objects on your slides. Simply click the checkboxes in the Show group on the View tab to show and hide these tools.
Zoom and other view options
PowerPoint has a variety of viewing options that change how your presentation is displayed. You can choose to view your presentation in Normal view, Slide Sorter view, Reading view, or Slide Show view. You can also zoom in and out to make your presentation easier to read.
Switching slide views
Switching between slide views is easy. Just locate and select the desired slide view command in the bottom-right corner of the PowerPoint window.
To learn more about slide views, review our lesson on Managing Slides.
Zooming in and out
To zoom in or out, click and drag the zoom control slider in the bottom-right corner of the PowerPoint window. You can also select the + or –commands to zoom in or out by smaller increments. The number next to the slider displays the current zoom percentage, also called the zoom level.
Backstage view
Backstage view gives you various options for saving, opening, printing, and sharing your presentations. To access Backstage view, click the File tab on the Ribbon.
Click the buttons in the interactive below to learn more about using Backstage view.
You can review our lesson on Understanding OneDrive to learn more about using OneDrive.
Open PowerPoint and create a blank presentation.
Change the Ribbon Display Options to Show Tabs.
Click the drop-down arrow next to the Quick Access Toolbar and add New, Quick Print, and Spelling.
In the Tell me bar, type Shape and press Enter.
Choose a shape from the menu, then double-click somewhere on your slide.
Show the Ruler if it is not already visible.
Zoom the presentation to 120%.
When you’re finished, your presentation should look something like this:
Change the Ribbon Display Options back to Show Tabs and Commands.
Arvind Sen|May 27, 2021Sometimes you want to channel Scorsese, and other times you just need to edit a quick birthday video. Finding the best video editing software takes examining your budget, skill level, and the time you are willing to invest to become adept using it.
For some projects, you’ll want the best free video editing software, while others demand Blender, Adobe, or video tools geared specifically for YouTube or Facebook. Whatever your skill set is behind the camera, use our guide to find the top video editing software on the web.
Best video editing software for beginners
Do you just need to snap together something fast, with music and a few fades or cuts? You don’t need a huge time investment or to spend a lot doing video on your phone or for bits on Facebook and Twitter. You’ll cut, paste, and slo-mo to your heart’s content with these best low-cost and free video editing software options. Many of these programs start out with budget-boosting beginner versions, then let you grow into them as your skills improve.
1. HitFilm Express – best free video editing software
For the best of both worlds, HitFilm Express offers a mind-blowingly robust beginner platform for free, then lets you scale up to a full-featured paid version as needed. This is an all-around solid choice if you “just need to slap something together,” but you don’t want to be hamstrung later if your skills go Kubrick-level. This forever-free video editing software gets sky-high reviews from hundreds of professional reviewers and users alike. It’s stable, professional-grade, and offers 410+ effects, unlimited tracks and transitions, a built-in voice recorder, and full 2D and 3D compositing. Additional features:
Training mode for beginners
Personalizable interface
Threaded rendering for fast work
Masking and matting
Professional video formats
Animation tools
2. Adobe Premiere Elements – best paid video editing software for Windows beginners
Adobe Premiere has been the gold standard for video editors for decades. The Adobe Premiere Elements version is its light offering for beginners. It’s easy to learn, simple to use, and manages to pack in most of the special effects and tricks of the full-featured version.
You’ll pay less than $100 for this powerful piece of video editing software for Windows and Mac, but it’s a one-time buyout payment and not a subscription. Its new AI capability with Adobe Sensei technology learns your workflows to zap repetition, and lets you apply effects to selected portions of your videos, see them work in real-time, and clean up graininess or other issues with your masterpieces.
Additional features:
Motion titles
Automatically remix music to perfectly match movie length
Automatic editing that you can adjust to fit your tastes
Quick-edit mode for super-fast edits
Extract great photos easily
Learning mode
Dozens of fun, high-tech features
3. CyberLink PowerDirector 365 – best YouTube video editing software
If you want great video editing software with a low-cost subscription that updates to get better as you learn, check out CyberLink PowerDirector 365. Why pay a subscription when you could buy other options outright? Because the development team behind PowerDirector is always working on new, fun, and useful features. It’s easy to use, gets stratospheric review scores, and comes packed with tools like dynamic keyframes, easy animation, motion tracking, and Hollywood-style green screen editing. Additional features:
Easy to use
Image correction
4K preview
Instant color matching
Customizable motion graphic titles
4. Corel VideoStudio Pro – good video editing software for beginners
If you don’t like the free, beginner, and Adobe video editing software options above, Corel VideoStudio Pro is a strong runner-up. Its ratings from users and professional reviewers aren’t quite as high as our other picks, but it’s loaded with features, including 4K and 360-degree video editing, custom split screens, and image stabilization. It costs about the same as Adobe Premiere Elements and has a quick and easy learning curve. Its one drawback is a sometimes-buggy interface. Additional features:
Fast rendering
Multicam editing
Easy stop-motion animation tool
Instant video and color corrections
Included sound effects and royalty-free music
Easy audio and voiceover editing
5. Filmora9 – top video editing software for amateurs
If you’re a beginner and you plan to stay that way, but you still want great, full-featured video editing software you can use today, look no further than Wondershare Filmora9. This is built for the first-time video editor who wants an easy, out-of-the-box solution that compares to professional tools.
Filmora9 sells at the same price point as the other beginner tools on our list. And even though it’s not as comprehensive as our other picks, it has plenty of power for your needs if you don’t plan to go pro. It also comes with motion tracking, automation to cut out repetition, color-match, green screen, and tons of other goodies. Additional features:
Split screen
Creative transitions and motion elements
Color grading
Social media import/export
Image stabilization
Screen recording
Best video editing software for professionals
Already know your way around a keyframe? Want to unleash your inner Alfonso Cuarón? You need robust, full-featured video editing software on the order of Adobe Premiere Pro. Serious filmmakers require a comprehensive platform that can handle 8K video, integrate with other tools, and update frequently as media formats and techniques change and grow. Check out the best video editing software below for serious pros or those who will be soon.
1. Adobe Premiere Pro – best pro video editing software
Serious professionals have trusted Adobe Premiere Pro for over 20 years. This software takes the guesswork out of making great video content. It lets beginners make simple videos fast, and it gives pros an ever-evolving playground of new tools to discover. It’s got a clear, flexible, and fast interface with unlimited multicam angles and support for 360 VR content. You can pick it up for around $20 per month, or get it bundled with Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects, and the 20+ apps of the powerful Adobe Creative Cloud for around $50 per month. Additional features:
Motion graphics templates
VR editing
Work on multiple projects at once
Easy collaboration
Simple workflow automation
Hardware-accelerated encoding
Automatically reformat videos for different screens
2. HitFilm Pro – top video editing software for serious creators
Both users and professional reviewers find a lot to geek out about in HitFilm Pro and give this powerful video editing software tool an aggregated 92% rating. It’s not quite as comprehensive as Adobe Premiere Pro, but it offers a shocking amount of functionality for a single (low) buyout price. Its free version is feature-rich and fun to learn on, too, so if you’re a one-day pro who wants to get in hassle-free, this is your huckleberry. Additional features:
Combined timelines for easy workflow
8K support
Real-time preview
Personalizable editing
Fast visual effects and features search
Speedy, threaded rendering
3. Corel VideoStudio Ultimate – top video editing software for professionals
There’s not much of a reason to look beyond Adobe Premiere and HitFilm Pro when it comes to powering your next video project. However, Corel VideoStudio Ultimate takes the already-sound tools of the company’s “Pro” version and doubles-down with powerful features, premium video effects packs, and other add-ons. You’ll get up to 2,000 pro-level filters and effects, plus a multicam editing module that lets you work with 6 clips at a time vs the 4 video files in the Pro version. Additional features:
Video mask creator
Full-color grading
3D titling editor
Advanced image stabilization
4. KineMaster – best mobile video editor for pros
If you’re a pro on the go, you’ll love KineMaster mobile video editing software. When you can’t lug your Premiere workstation with you, KineMaster’s iPhone, Android, and Chromebook versions will stun you with their powerful features, 4K support, layers, blending, and chroma key tools. This is a fantastic editor for all stripes of mobile platforms. Additional features:
8 blending modes for artistic effects
Reverse tool for easy in-camera transitions
Simple compositing
Up to 60 fps
Easy social media sharing interface
5. VSDC – pro video editing software for presentations
Sometimes you just need a good, simple video for presentations, and that’s where VSDC shines. To be fair, this is an excellent piece of software for any video editor, but if you’re a pro, you’re better off choosing the aforementioned Adobe Premiere or HitFilm Pro. Where VSDC wins is in its low price point and streamlined workflow. This tool makes it super-simple to add charts and annotations to your video clips, so conferences and collaboration are clear and visual. Additional features:
Free updates add features regularly
Image stabilization
Masking and blending
Suite of video and audio effects
6. DaVinci Resolve 17 – best free video editor for pros
For free, stunningly feature-rich video editing for professional filmmakers, DaVinci Resolve 17 can’t be beat. Even the pro version is a buyout $299, making it the least expensive pro-level tool on our list. A favorite of Hollywood pros, this Emmy-winning tool cuts, edits, color-corrects, and adds effects on par with the best software on the market. Additional features:
Pro-grade audio editor
Wide-format support
GPU/CPU accelerated effects
AI-powered face recognition, object detection, and smart reframing
Note: This guide ranks the top video editing software for Windows. Mac and Linux users will benefit from more research. If you’re an Apple devotee, your best options are iMovie for the casual user and Final Cut Pro for the more serious pro, though many Apple fans spring for Adobe Premiere.
The best video editing software for you depends on your workflow. HitFilm Express is an excellent free-forever video editor, while Adobe Premiere Pro is the tool of choice for those who make their living from the silver screen. The other options on our list above cover free, amateur, and presentation video editing tools for home and business use. About the author : Arvind Sen is a contributing writer for SHALA SUGAM. Arvind is an student and a regular contributor to Boys’ Life and Scouting magazines. His work is featured in Arvind Acadamey, FastCompany, and many more.
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<a href="https://shalasugam.com/how-to-join-google-meeting/" rel="nofollow" google="">HOW TO JOIN GOOGLE MEET</a>
When you can't meet in-person, video chatting is a great option. To virtually connect face-to-face, you can use the video calling app: Google Meet. Joining a Google Meet video call is easy to do and all you'll need is a link or code. In this desktop lesson, we will walk you through how to join a meeting and show you the basics of a video call.
<a href="https://shalasugam.com/how-to-present-meeting-using-google-slide/">
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" width="256px" height="297px" viewBox="0 0 256 297" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid"><defs><linearGradient x1="26.0700788%" y1="68.0422365%" x2="74.9491057%" y2="19.2791755%" id="linearGradient-1"><stop stop-color="#058B7E" offset="0%"></stop><stop stop-color="#058D80" offset="0%"></stop><stop stop-color="#058D7F" offset="100%"></stop></linearGradient><path d="M127.682686,0 C57.1657481,0 0,55.7909333 0,124.612267 C0,193.433916 57.1657481,249.224533 127.682686,249.224533 L127.954173,296.138272 C193.56002,258.867516 255.954173,209.119447 255.954173,124.612267 C255.954173,55.7909333 198.199941,0 127.682686,0 Z" id="path-2"></path><filter x="-0.4%" y="-0.3%" width="100.8%" height="100.7%" filterUnits="objectBoundingBox" id="filter-3"></filter><path d="M127.682686,0 C57.1657481,0 0,55.7909333 0,124.612267 C0,193.433916 57.1657481,249.224533 127.682686,249.224533 L127.954173,296.138272 C193.56002,258.867516 255.954173,209.119447 255.954173,124.612267 C255.954173,55.7909333 198.199941,0 127.682686,0 Z" id="path-4"></path><filter x="-0.4%" y="-0.3%" width="100.8%" height="100.7%" filterUnits="objectBoundingBox" id="filter-5"></filter><path d="M127.682686,0 C57.1657481,0 0,55.7909333 0,124.612267 C0,193.433916 57.1657481,249.224533 127.682686,249.224533 L127.954173,296.138272 C193.56002,258.867516 255.954173,209.119447 255.954173,124.612267 C255.954173,55.7909333 198.199941,0 127.682686,0 Z" id="path-6"></path><linearGradient x1="30.0482935%" y1="27.302306%" x2="81.9404293%" y2="84.6402399%" id="linearGradient-8"><stop stop-color="#000000" offset="0%"></stop><stop stop-color="#D8D8D8" stop-opacity="0" offset="100%"></stop></linearGradient><path d="M55.5801916,128.105402 L55.5801916,162.34398 C55.5801916,171.382993 62.9757472,178.778548 72.0147595,178.778548 L157.030779,178.778548 C166.069792,178.778548 173.465347,171.382993 173.465347,162.34398 L173.465347,140.721146 L207.124606,174.380405 L207.124606,128.105402 L55.5801916,128.105402 Z" id="path-9"></path><filter x="-1.0%" y="-3.0%" width="102.6%" height="111.8%" filterUnits="objectBoundingBox" id="filter-10"></filter></defs><g><path d="M127.682686,0 C57.1657481,0 0,55.7909333 0,124.612267 C0,193.433916 57.1657481,249.224533 127.682686,249.224533 L127.954173,296.138272 C193.56002,258.867516 255.954173,209.119447 255.954173,124.612267 C255.954173,55.7909333 198.199941,0 127.682686,0 Z" fill="url(#linearGradient-1)"></path><g fill="black" fill-opacity="1"><use filter="url(#filter-3)" xlink:href="#path-2"></use></g><g fill="black" fill-opacity="1"><use filter="url(#filter-5)" xlink:href="#path-4"></use></g><g><mask id="mask-7" fill="white"><use xlink:href="#path-6"></use></mask><g></g><polygon fill-opacity="0.21" fill="url(#linearGradient-8)" mask="url(#mask-7)" points="58.3180642 168.559565 167.355101 281.283951 311.894914 175.618212 207.440593 81.6987654 185.106647 119.970765"></polygon></g><g><use fill="black" fill-opacity="1" filter="url(#filter-10)" xlink:href="#path-9"></use><use fill="#F6F6F6" fill-rule="evenodd" xlink:href="#path-9"></use></g><path d="M207.124638,128.105402 L207.124638,81.6989235 L173.465379,115.28644 L173.465379,93.8668247 C173.465379,84.8274963 166.069823,77.4322568 157.030811,77.4322568 L72.0147911,77.4322568 C62.9757788,77.4322568 55.5802232,84.8274963 55.5802232,93.8668247 L55.5802232,128.105402 L207.124638,128.105402 Z" fill="#E2E2E2"></path></g></svg> </a>
<a href="https://shalasugam.com/how-to-present-meeting-using-google-slide/">HOW TO PRESENT GOOGLE MEET USING GOOGLE SLIDE</a>
Presenting during a video conference is a little bit different than presenting in-person. For a video conference, you need to know how to use the video app's interface so you can take charge of the meeting when it is time for you to present. To help you, we've put together a Google Meet lesson that teaches you how to present using Google Slides.
<a href="https://shalasugam.com/how-to-host-google-meeting/">
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" width="256px" height="297px" viewBox="0 0 256 297" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid"><defs><linearGradient x1="26.0700788%" y1="68.0422365%" x2="74.9491057%" y2="19.2791755%" id="linearGradient-1"><stop stop-color="#058B7E" offset="0%"></stop><stop stop-color="#058D80" offset="0%"></stop><stop stop-color="#058D7F" offset="100%"></stop></linearGradient><path d="M127.682686,0 C57.1657481,0 0,55.7909333 0,124.612267 C0,193.433916 57.1657481,249.224533 127.682686,249.224533 L127.954173,296.138272 C193.56002,258.867516 255.954173,209.119447 255.954173,124.612267 C255.954173,55.7909333 198.199941,0 127.682686,0 Z" id="path-2"></path><filter x="-0.4%" y="-0.3%" width="100.8%" height="100.7%" filterUnits="objectBoundingBox" id="filter-3"></filter><path d="M127.682686,0 C57.1657481,0 0,55.7909333 0,124.612267 C0,193.433916 57.1657481,249.224533 127.682686,249.224533 L127.954173,296.138272 C193.56002,258.867516 255.954173,209.119447 255.954173,124.612267 C255.954173,55.7909333 198.199941,0 127.682686,0 Z" id="path-4"></path><filter x="-0.4%" y="-0.3%" width="100.8%" height="100.7%" filterUnits="objectBoundingBox" id="filter-5"></filter><path d="M127.682686,0 C57.1657481,0 0,55.7909333 0,124.612267 C0,193.433916 57.1657481,249.224533 127.682686,249.224533 L127.954173,296.138272 C193.56002,258.867516 255.954173,209.119447 255.954173,124.612267 C255.954173,55.7909333 198.199941,0 127.682686,0 Z" id="path-6"></path><linearGradient x1="30.0482935%" y1="27.302306%" x2="81.9404293%" y2="84.6402399%" id="linearGradient-8"><stop stop-color="#000000" offset="0%"></stop><stop stop-color="#D8D8D8" stop-opacity="0" offset="100%"></stop></linearGradient><path d="M55.5801916,128.105402 L55.5801916,162.34398 C55.5801916,171.382993 62.9757472,178.778548 72.0147595,178.778548 L157.030779,178.778548 C166.069792,178.778548 173.465347,171.382993 173.465347,162.34398 L173.465347,140.721146 L207.124606,174.380405 L207.124606,128.105402 L55.5801916,128.105402 Z" id="path-9"></path><filter x="-1.0%" y="-3.0%" width="102.6%" height="111.8%" filterUnits="objectBoundingBox" id="filter-10"></filter></defs><g><path d="M127.682686,0 C57.1657481,0 0,55.7909333 0,124.612267 C0,193.433916 57.1657481,249.224533 127.682686,249.224533 L127.954173,296.138272 C193.56002,258.867516 255.954173,209.119447 255.954173,124.612267 C255.954173,55.7909333 198.199941,0 127.682686,0 Z" fill="url(#linearGradient-1)"></path><g fill="black" fill-opacity="1"><use filter="url(#filter-3)" xlink:href="#path-2"></use></g><g fill="black" fill-opacity="1"><use filter="url(#filter-5)" xlink:href="#path-4"></use></g><g><mask id="mask-7" fill="white"><use xlink:href="#path-6"></use></mask><g></g><polygon fill-opacity="0.21" fill="url(#linearGradient-8)" mask="url(#mask-7)" points="58.3180642 168.559565 167.355101 281.283951 311.894914 175.618212 207.440593 81.6987654 185.106647 119.970765"></polygon></g><g><use fill="black" fill-opacity="1" filter="url(#filter-10)" xlink:href="#path-9"></use><use fill="#F6F6F6" fill-rule="evenodd" xlink:href="#path-9"></use></g><path d="M207.124638,128.105402 L207.124638,81.6989235 L173.465379,115.28644 L173.465379,93.8668247 C173.465379,84.8274963 166.069823,77.4322568 157.030811,77.4322568 L72.0147911,77.4322568 C62.9757788,77.4322568 55.5802232,84.8274963 55.5802232,93.8668247 L55.5802232,128.105402 L207.124638,128.105402 Z" fill="#E2E2E2"></path></g></svg> </a>
<a href="https://shalasugam.com/how-to-host-google-meeting/">How to Host a Meeting</a>
Whether you want to talk with friends or conduct a business meeting, you can use Google Meet as a practical alternative to meeting in-person. Google Meet lets you plan a virtual meeting ahead of time or start a spur of the moment video chat. To help you host a video call, we've put together a lesson that teaches you how to set up and carry out a meeting.
<a href="https://shalasugam.com/google-meet-with-mobile-app/">
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" width="256px" height="297px" viewBox="0 0 256 297" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid"><defs><linearGradient x1="26.0700788%" y1="68.0422365%" x2="74.9491057%" y2="19.2791755%" id="linearGradient-1"><stop stop-color="#058B7E" offset="0%"></stop><stop stop-color="#058D80" offset="0%"></stop><stop stop-color="#058D7F" offset="100%"></stop></linearGradient><path d="M127.682686,0 C57.1657481,0 0,55.7909333 0,124.612267 C0,193.433916 57.1657481,249.224533 127.682686,249.224533 L127.954173,296.138272 C193.56002,258.867516 255.954173,209.119447 255.954173,124.612267 C255.954173,55.7909333 198.199941,0 127.682686,0 Z" id="path-2"></path><filter x="-0.4%" y="-0.3%" width="100.8%" height="100.7%" filterUnits="objectBoundingBox" id="filter-3"></filter><path d="M127.682686,0 C57.1657481,0 0,55.7909333 0,124.612267 C0,193.433916 57.1657481,249.224533 127.682686,249.224533 L127.954173,296.138272 C193.56002,258.867516 255.954173,209.119447 255.954173,124.612267 C255.954173,55.7909333 198.199941,0 127.682686,0 Z" id="path-4"></path><filter x="-0.4%" y="-0.3%" width="100.8%" height="100.7%" filterUnits="objectBoundingBox" id="filter-5"></filter><path d="M127.682686,0 C57.1657481,0 0,55.7909333 0,124.612267 C0,193.433916 57.1657481,249.224533 127.682686,249.224533 L127.954173,296.138272 C193.56002,258.867516 255.954173,209.119447 255.954173,124.612267 C255.954173,55.7909333 198.199941,0 127.682686,0 Z" id="path-6"></path><linearGradient x1="30.0482935%" y1="27.302306%" x2="81.9404293%" y2="84.6402399%" id="linearGradient-8"><stop stop-color="#000000" offset="0%"></stop><stop stop-color="#D8D8D8" stop-opacity="0" offset="100%"></stop></linearGradient><path d="M55.5801916,128.105402 L55.5801916,162.34398 C55.5801916,171.382993 62.9757472,178.778548 72.0147595,178.778548 L157.030779,178.778548 C166.069792,178.778548 173.465347,171.382993 173.465347,162.34398 L173.465347,140.721146 L207.124606,174.380405 L207.124606,128.105402 L55.5801916,128.105402 Z" id="path-9"></path><filter x="-1.0%" y="-3.0%" width="102.6%" height="111.8%" filterUnits="objectBoundingBox" id="filter-10"></filter></defs><g><path d="M127.682686,0 C57.1657481,0 0,55.7909333 0,124.612267 C0,193.433916 57.1657481,249.224533 127.682686,249.224533 L127.954173,296.138272 C193.56002,258.867516 255.954173,209.119447 255.954173,124.612267 C255.954173,55.7909333 198.199941,0 127.682686,0 Z" fill="url(#linearGradient-1)"></path><g fill="black" fill-opacity="1"><use filter="url(#filter-3)" xlink:href="#path-2"></use></g><g fill="black" fill-opacity="1"><use filter="url(#filter-5)" xlink:href="#path-4"></use></g><g><mask id="mask-7" fill="white"><use xlink:href="#path-6"></use></mask><g></g><polygon fill-opacity="0.21" fill="url(#linearGradient-8)" mask="url(#mask-7)" points="58.3180642 168.559565 167.355101 281.283951 311.894914 175.618212 207.440593 81.6987654 185.106647 119.970765"></polygon></g><g><use fill="black" fill-opacity="1" filter="url(#filter-10)" xlink:href="#path-9"></use><use fill="#F6F6F6" fill-rule="evenodd" xlink:href="#path-9"></use></g><path d="M207.124638,128.105402 L207.124638,81.6989235 L173.465379,115.28644 L173.465379,93.8668247 C173.465379,84.8274963 166.069823,77.4322568 157.030811,77.4322568 L72.0147911,77.4322568 C62.9757788,77.4322568 55.5802232,84.8274963 55.5802232,93.8668247 L55.5802232,128.105402 L207.124638,128.105402 Z" fill="#E2E2E2"></path></g></svg> </a>
<a href="https://shalasugam.com/google-meet-with-mobile-app/">HOW TO GOOGLE MEET WITH MOBILE APP</a>
Most of us have our smartphone or tablet nearby to talk to coworkers, family members, and friends. Instead of calling or emailing, you can virtually connect face-to-face with a simple video call. In this lesson, we'll teach you how to video chat using the Google Meet mobile app.
<header><a href="https://shalasugam.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/PNG-File.png"><img src="https://shalasugam.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/PNG-File-300x190.png" alt="" width="300" height="190" /></a><h3 style="text-align: center;"><strong>HOW TO GOOGLE MEET WITH MOBILE APP</strong></h3><img id="header-img" src="https://media.gcflearnfree.org/assets/edu-gcfglobal-site/images/city-aqua2.svg" alt="" /></p><header>Google Meet Google Meet Mobile App</header> <form id="gcfsearch" action="/en/search/" method="get"> </form></header><h3 style="text-align: center;"><strong>Google Meet: Google Meet Mobile App</strong></h3><h4 tabindex="0" aria-label="Lesson Divider Lesson 4: Google Meet Mobile App"> </h4><h4 style="text-align: center;" tabindex="0" aria-label="Lesson Divider Lesson 4: Google Meet Mobile App"><strong>Lesson 4: Google Meet Mobile App</strong></h4><h3 style="text-align: center;"><strong>Google Meet mobile app</strong></h3><p>Most of us have our smartphone or tablet nearby to talk to coworkers, family members, and friends. Instead of calling or emailing, you can virtually connect face-to-face with a simple video call. In this lesson, we'll teach you how to video chat using the Google Meet mobile app.
Watch the video below to learn how to use the Google Meet mobile app.
Getting started
To begin, you’ll need to download the app to your smartphone or tablet.
Next, open the app followed by logging into your Google account.
In this example, we are using an iPhone so there may be some subtle differences for those using an Android phone.
Joining a meeting
At the top of the screen, there are two buttons to choose from. If you have already received a code, you can enter it in by tapping the Join with a code button.
Type it in the field. Then, tap Join.
Three ways to host a meeting
If you prefer to host the meeting, tap the New meeting button.
A pop-up menu appears with three options. Let’s take a look at them.
Option 1 – Link to a meeting
Let’s tap Get a meeting link to share.
The dialog box appears with a link that you can copy and share with those you want to invite to the video chat. It is best to save the link so you can return to it later.
Depending on the device you are using, the Share invite button will have different options. In this example, we can text, email, or share it via social media.
Option 2 – Plan a meeting
Let’s tap the Schedule in Google Calendar option.
The Google Calendar app will open if you have it on your phone.
You can fill in the Google Calendar event information to set up a future video call. Also, notice that the Google Meet video details are already added to the event.
Option 3 – Instant meeting
Let’s tap Start an instant meeting.
Since you are the host of the meeting, you will be the only one in the meeting until others join.
If someone tries to join the meeting that was not invited, a dialog box appears giving you the options of Deny entry or Admit. For our example, we’ll tap Admit because we know the person.
People and Info Tabs
Within the video call, there are features to explore. Looking at the top of the screen, tap the video call’s code.
The People Tab lets you know who is in the call. As the organizer of the meeting, you can tap the three horizontal dots next to a participant’s name to Mute a particular person. In order to talk, the person will have to unmute themselves.
You can also tap the three vertical dots.
A menu appears giving you another way to Mute them, Pin their video tile to your main screen, and Remove them from the video call. Pinning their video tile lets you only see that person.
Tap Cancel to exit out of the menu.
Next, tap the Info Tab.
If you need to copy the joining info, you can do so here.
To exit this menu, tap the down arrow in the top-left corner of the screen.
Camera and audio icons
In the top right-corner, there is the flip camera icon to switch between the front camera and the back camera.
In this example, the audio icon lets you choose either iPhone or Speaker. If you don’t want to have the phone near your ear, you can choose the Speaker option, which amplifies the sound for you and those near you to hear.
Main screen feature
If you want to see yourself on the main screen instead of the little screen, tap the three dots on the little screen.
The person you are talking to will now become the little screen.
Three dots menu
Looking at the icons at the bottom, tap the vertical three dots. A pop-up menu appears showing you more Google Meet mobile features.
If you want to invite more people to the call, you can tap Add others.
To message people within the video call, tap In call messages. We’ll talk more about sending messages later in this lesson.
To show guests in the video call your screen, tap Share screen. This is a helpful feature if you are presenting via a tablet or smartphone. It is different from the desktop process because you can’t choose a browser tab in the mobile app. The whole screen is shown! Before selecting this option, make sure that your phone or tablet is presentation ready.
To send a message:
From the three dots menu, tap the In call messages feature.
Type your message in the field. Then, tap the arrow button to send it. Keep in mind that only people in the call can see the message and they are deleted when you end the meeting. If someone sends an attachment, you can also find it here.
To close out of In call messages, tap the X.
Changing screens
Two features that are not available on mobile is the ability to change your background and the ability to change the layout of your screen. If you are talking to more than two people, you can change who you see on your main screen by tapping each person’s little screen’s three dots.
You will now see that person on your main screen.
Basic video call functions
Looking at the bottom of your screen, there are three icons that are the basic video call functions.
The microphone icon helps you turn on or off your microphone. Some people like to mute themselves so no one can hear their background noise.
The video icon turns on or off your video camera. Some people turn off their camera so no one can see them.
When you are done video chatting, tap the red end call button.
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<a href="https://shalasugam.com/how-to-join-google-meeting/" rel="nofollow" google="">HOW TO JOIN GOOGLE MEET</a>
When you can't meet in-person, video chatting is a great option. To virtually connect face-to-face, you can use the video calling app: Google Meet. Joining a Google Meet video call is easy to do and all you'll need is a link or code. In this desktop lesson, we will walk you through how to join a meeting and show you the basics of a video call.
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<a href="https://shalasugam.com/how-to-present-meeting-using-google-slide/">HOW TO PRESENT GOOGLE MEET USING GOOGLE SLIDE</a>
Presenting during a video conference is a little bit different than presenting in-person. For a video conference, you need to know how to use the video app's interface so you can take charge of the meeting when it is time for you to present. To help you, we've put together a Google Meet lesson that teaches you how to present using Google Slides.
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<a href="https://shalasugam.com/how-to-host-google-meeting/">How to Host a Meeting</a>
Whether you want to talk with friends or conduct a business meeting, you can use Google Meet as a practical alternative to meeting in-person. Google Meet lets you plan a virtual meeting ahead of time or start a spur of the moment video chat. To help you host a video call, we've put together a lesson that teaches you how to set up and carry out a meeting.
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<a href="https://shalasugam.com/google-meet-with-mobile-app/">HOW TO GOOGLE MEET WITH MOBILE APP</a>
Most of us have our smartphone or tablet nearby to talk to coworkers, family members, and friends. Instead of calling or emailing, you can virtually connect face-to-face with a simple video call. In this lesson, we'll teach you how to video chat using the Google Meet mobile app.
<header><a href="https://shalasugam.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/PNG-File.png"><img src="https://shalasugam.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/PNG-File-300x190.png" alt="" width="300" height="190" /></a><h1><a href="/en/google-meet/">Google Meet</a> - How to Present Using Google Slides</h1><img id="header-img" src="https://media.gcflearnfree.org/assets/edu-gcfglobal-site/images/city-aqua2.svg" alt="" /></p><header>Google Meet How to Present Using Google Slides</header><p> </p></header><h1>Google Meet: How to Present Using Google Slides</h1><p>601bf80d4136932698f4bda8<br />601bfd2a4136932698f4bdab</p> <h3 tabindex="0" aria-label="Lesson Divider Lesson 3: How to Present Using Google Slides">Lesson 3: How to Present Using Google Slides</h3><h3>How to present using Google Slides</h3><p>Presenting during a video conference is a little bit different than presenting in-person. For a video conference, you need to know how to use the video app's interface so you can take charge of the meeting when it is time for you to present. To help you, we've put together a Google Meet lesson that teaches you how to present using Google Slides.
Watch the video below to learn how to present using Google Slides.
Getting started
To begin, you’ll need to be using Chrome as your web browser.
Also, you should have already logged into your Google account.
Next, you’ll need to have already created a Google Calendar event for the meeting.
Then, open a tab with your Google Slides presentation.
Join a meeting from Google Calendar
First, click the scheduled event you have already created.
Within the event’s information, click the Join with Google Meet button to join the video call.
A new tab opens to start the Google Meet. Some pop-ups may occur if you haven’t approved the use of your microphone, camera, and notifications. Click Allow for these pop-ups.
You can choose to join the meeting with your microphone and camera on or off by clicking their icons. Some people turn off their microphone to mute themselves so that no one can hear them. Others keep their microphone on, but may turn off their camera so no one can see them. If you change your mind, you can adjust these settings inside the call.
Presenting options
There are two ways you can present. One is right at the start of the video call. The other is later on in the video call. We’ll show you both options.
Start of the meeting
To have the meeting begin with your presentation, click Present.
A dialog box appears asking you to allow Google Chrome to record your computer screen. You may have to adjust your computer’s settings if you want to proceed. If you do not allow this, you’ll only be able to present a Chrome Tab.
If you do allow this, you’ll be able to present a Chrome Tab, Your Entire Screen, or an Application Window. For this example, we’ll click the Entire Screen option.
If what you are presenting needs to have audio enabled, make sure that the checkbox for Share audio is checked.
Then, click the screen that you want to share followed by the Share button.
Select the tab that has your Google Slides presentation.
Next, click the Present button.
You can now carry out your presentation while the people in the call watch it on their own screens. When you are finished presenting, click the Stop sharing button.
Later in the meeting
If you are not the first to present, click Join now instead.
When you are ready to present, click Present now from the toolbar.
You can choose either to present Your entire screen, A window, or A tab. Presenting by tab is only available if you are using Chrome as your web browser. For this example, we’ll select A tab.
Looking at the dialog box, keep the checkbox for Shared audio checked if what you are presenting needs to have audio enabled.
Select the tab that you want to share. Then, click the Share button.
Next, click Present.
The people in the call can now watch it on their own screens. When you are finished presenting, click the Stop button.
Video conferencing tips
If you experience technical difficulties, you can make adjustments in Settings. On the bottom toolbar, click the three dots icon. A menu appears showing more features. Within Settings, you can make changes to your Audio and Video to make sure you have the correct equipment selected. You can also Test your Speakers to make sure they are working properly.
Looking at the bottom toolbar, you also have the option to Turn off microphone. This will mute your ability to speak in the meeting.
Also on the bottom toolbar, there is the option to Turn off camera. This will hide you from the audience.
When you are done with your video call, click the Leave call icon on the bottom toolbar.
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